How To Remove Points From Your California Driver’s License (2024)


How To Remove Points From Your California Driver’s License (1)

Driving puts you at risk each time you get behind the wheel. One wrong move at the wrong time could result in heavy fines and other consequences, so it’s important to know how to remove points from your California driver’s license. You can get points on your license for traffic violations in any state, but California is one of the only places where you can remove them. Find out how below.

The California Point System

You may get points on your license for several reasons. The number of points on your license may range from one to three, depending on the severity of the violation. In California, if you get four or more points within a year, your license may be revoked. Still, points typically go away after seven years.

The courts typically add one point for infractions and up to two for misdemeanors. Furthermore, you could get three points at once if you cause a collision. Common violations that may result in points on your license include:

  • Driving under the influence
  • Driving without a valid license
  • Reckless driving
  • Speeding
  • Taking part in a hit-and-run
  • Having a broken taillight

Point Consequences

Aside from losing your license, having points on your record may increase your insurance premiums. Insurance agencies have access to your driving record, and they’ll use it to decide how much to charge. Having points on your license may indicate you’re a high-risk driver.

Go To Traffic School

In California, the only way to remove points from your license is to pass a defensive driving course. The state has approved many different schools to offer this course. The course consists of several lessons, which you can take in a classroom or online. Once you pass a final exam, you’ll provide it to the DMV to get your points removed and your license back.

Knowing how to remove points from your California driver’s license is essential. You never know when a wrong move might result in a moving violation. In some cases, you might not be able to remove the points from your license. If you’re looking for new insurance in Southern California, contact Saferoad Insurance Services to find out if you can lower your premiums by switching providers.

Posted 12:09 PM

NOTICE: This blog and website are made available by the publisher for educational and informational purposes only. It is not be used as a substitute for competent insurance, legal, or tax advice from a licensed professional in your state. By using this blog site you understand that there is no broker client relationship between you and the blog and website publisher.

How To Remove Points From Your California Driver’s License (2024)


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