MyChart - Learn More About Bringing Your Health Information Together (2024)

Linking My Account

How does MyChart know where I have been seen before, or where I have other health data?

As you move between your healthcare providers, this organization may securely exchange your health information with other healthcare organizations so that your care team can see all of your health information. This secure, electronic exchange of your record gives your care team information they need to give you safe and effective care, and allows MyChart to give you a more complete picture of your health. When you log in to MyChart, we use the existing connections to determine where you have been seen. We can then suggest you connect to these organizations to see a complete view of your health record in this MyChart account.

Why doesn't the organization I want to link to show up in the search results?

Different organizations enable linking at different times. You can see the list of organizations on our network at Note that some organizations allow anyone who has an account to link to them, but others require that your provider exchange your medical record with them first.

What happens after I link my account to another healthcare organization?

After linking your account to another healthcare organization, you can view the following information along with the information in your MyChart account from this organization:

  • Allergies
  • Health Issues
  • Implants
  • Medications

If your account is active at the other organization, you may also be able to view and interact with the following features:

  • Messages
  • Test Results
  • Appointments and Visits
  • Care Team

After linking your account to your insurance provider, you may be able to view and interact with the following features:

  • Insurance

When you see this icon MyChart - Learn More About Bringing Your Health Information Together (1), the information is coming from an outside organization. Tap the symbol on a mobile device or hover over the symbol on a desktop to see where the information is coming from.

Sometimes, a reverse link from the other healthcare organization to your MyChart account is also created, depending on thisorganization's and the other organization's settings.

Can I access this information on both the mobile app and the website?

Yes. All features are available on both the mobile app and the website.

Can I stop seeing information from an organization I’ve linked?

You can unlink an organization in the Link My Accounts activity. This stops information from that organization from showing in this MyChart account. Any organizations that you choose to unlink will remain available in the Link My Accounts activity.

What happens to my data when I unlink an organization?

If you unlink an organization, we remove all of that organization's data from MyChart. Depending on this organization and the other organization's settings, your care team might still be able to access the external data to help provide you with medical care. If you don't want your care team at this organization to be able to access the external data, please contact the other organization directly.

I can see other people’s information (e.g. my child) at a different organization. When my accounts are linked, can I also see that information here?

If you can see another person’s information at a different organization, you might also be able to view their information when linking an account. What you can see and do in MyChart depends on what the other healthcare organization allows you to do in your account with them and whether the linked organization is using Epic applications. You must have an account here and at the other healthcare organization, with access to the same patient’s information in both, to see both sets of information for that patient in this MyChart account.

How is my information protected?

We carefully protect the privacy and security of your information using different physical, administrative, and technical controls. When your information is shared, your record is encrypted and delivered in a secure, electronic format. Only healthcare professionals who are involved in your care can see your information at the healthcare organization.

Common Questions

What if I do not recognize an organization that appears on my list of accounts?

A healthcare organization must be part of this account linking network to allow you to link your account. Visit to see which organizations are already on this network and which ones will be joining soon.

What do I do if I believe there is a mistake in the information I see?

You will see organizations where you have a medical record in their system. Sometimes, a name might not look familiar because:

  • A clinic might use a name that is different from the name of the organization that owns the clinic.
  • An organization where you were seen a long time ago might have changed its name since the last time you were seen there.

If you have concerns about your information at that location, you should contact that organization.

Can my doctor see the external data that I link?

If you believe there is a mistake with the information you see in your MyChart account, contact the organization listed in the bubble that appears when you tap or hover over theMyChart - Learn More About Bringing Your Health Information Together (2) symbol. If there is no MyChart - Learn More About Bringing Your Health Information Together (3) symbol, this information is coming from us, so call your doctor's office or the Health Information Management department at (803) 791-2264.

What do the notification bubbles mean in the Other Providers section of the home page?

MyChart - Learn More About Bringing Your Health Information Together (4)You have notifications available at the linked organization. Red notification bubbles appear only if you have an active account at the linked organization. You can jump directly into your active linked accounts by clicking the icon for that organization. When you click a linked organization’s icon, your account at that organization opens in a new browser window or tab.

MyChart - Learn More About Bringing Your Health Information Together (5)You do not have an active account at the linked organization. You can still see your medications, allergies, and health issues that are documented at the linked organization. If you want to create an account with the linked organization to have access to other features or information, such as test results, messaging, scheduling, and appointments, visit the patient portal website of the linked organization or ask your provider at the linked organization how you can get signed up.

MyChart - Learn More About Bringing Your Health Information Together (6)There was an error while retrieving your information from the linked organization. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact the associated organization.

How do I verify my account at another organization?

Sometimes, you might not be able to see some information from other organizations because:

  • You might not have that information documented at the linked healthcare organization.
  • If the same information is in your record at the linked organization and here, it is not marked with the MyChart - Learn More About Bringing Your Health Information Together (7) symbol.
  • The linked organization might not allow patients to view that information. The information from the linked organization that you see in MyChart depends on what that organization allows you to see in your account with them.
  • Sometimes, you might be unable to view your test results as expected because:
  • You might not have an active account at the linked healthcare organization.
  • The Show field at the top of the test results page allows you to show test results from all organizations (this is the default setting). You may use the dropdown list to show test results coming only from a single organization.
  • The linked organization might not release all or any test results. In this case, test results you can’t see through the other organization’s portal will also not appear in your MyChart.

Why do I need to manually update my data for some organizations?

If you cannot send a message to a provider at another organization, consider the following:

  • If you do not see options to message your providers from a linked organization, you might not have an active account at the linked organization.
  • You must be using a web browser (not the MyChart Mobile app) to message providers from other organizations in your account.
  • Messaging might be a feature this organization does not use. If you have sent messages through the linked organization’s portal in the past, you might have to log in to your account at the linked organization to access this feature.
  • If you don’t see the provider on the list of available providers to message, that provider or organization might not allow messaging.

Why can’t I see certain information from other organizations?

Why can’t I message a doctor from another organization?

Why does the banner ask me to link my own record after I already linked my account to the other organization?

How often will I be reminded to update my data from my organizations?

MyChart - Learn More About Bringing Your Health Information Together (2024)


Can you ask your doctor questions on MyChart? ›

Use MyChart Message Center to have conversations with your doctor or other clinic staff, ask non-emergency medical questions, send test results to your provider from another provider or network, and even upload your official COVID-19 vaccination record.

Why can't I get into MyChart? ›

If you try to log in unsuccessfully too many times, you might be locked out of the account. In this case, you won't be able to reset your password yourself. For help resetting passwords and regaining access to your account, please reach out to your healthcare organization's MyChart support desk.

What are the disadvantages of MyChart? ›

  • Actual data when displayed is a bit unpolished.
  • Didn't find easy integration to device calendar and profiles.
  • Dark mode would have been nice.

Why do I have two MyChart accounts? ›

If you decline consent to share your information with affiliated partners, you will have multiple MyChart accounts: one for each organization, each with its own username and password.

Why can't I look at my own medical record? ›

A physician is entitled to deny you access to certain parts of your medical record, including personal notes and observations; information provided by another party that the doctor agreed to keep confidential; information relating to the treatment of a minor; information the provider believes may cause substantial harm ...

Why did my test results disappear on MyChart? ›

Some test results are not released to your MyChart account because of their sensitive nature. Your doctor determines which types of test results are able to be accessed through MyChart and which might require an in person conversation.

What is the difference between Epic and MyChart? ›

Note: MyChart is an Epic branded name. Your organization may use a different name for their patient portal. Access the application on your personal device. Carefully review the app's terms and conditions.

Is everything I tell my doctor confidential? ›

Your doctor will keep the details of what you talk about private, or confidential. The only time your doctor cannot honor your privacy is when they believe there is an immediate threat to your safety or someone else's.

Do doctors respond to MyChart messages? ›

Depending on your needs and schedule, this can be a great alternative to an in-person or telehealth visit. Please note: MyChart is to be used to communicate with your healthcare team for non-urgent medical advice. You will generally receive an answer within 1-3 business days.

Who reads MyChart messages? ›

Multiple members of your care team may view MyChart messages in order to get an appropriate and efficient response; this may include nurses or advance practice clinicians other than your primary care provider (PCP).

Why is there an exclamation point on MyChart? ›

All lab results are compared to a standard guideline for what is considered “within normal range.” These standards were developed as a guide but are not absolute. You will see an exclamation point (!) next to the result if it's outside of the normal range, but that isn't necessarily a cause for concern.

Who owns MyChart? ›

MyChart by Epic

Founded in a basem*nt in 1979 with 1 ½ employees, Epic develops software to help people get well, help people stay well, and help future generations be healthier. There are over 305 million patient charts in Epic, representing patients from all 50 states and over a dozen countries.

Why does MyChart say invalid personal information? ›

What do I need to do if I receive an Invalid Personal Information error? This error can occur when your personal information does not match what is currently listed in your medical record. If you receive this error, use the Contact Us link located in the error message to notify MyChart support.

What is the difference between MyChart and Epic? ›

Note: MyChart is an Epic branded name. Your organization may use a different name for their patient portal. Access the application on your personal device. Carefully review the app's terms and conditions.

Can EHR be shared with other providers? ›

EHRs and Your Health Information

The information in EHRs can be shared with other organizations involved in your care if the computer systems are set up to talk to each other. Information in these records should only be shared for purposes authorized by law or by you.


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.