Should I Plead Not Guilty for a Speeding Ticket? (2024)

Most of us have been in the situation; you’re driving a little too fast and a cop decides to pull you over. It can be a stressful situation, especially since it can add points to your license, increase your insurance, and those are both on top of the fine you’ll be paying. There is a lot of debate over whether you should plead guilty or not guilty, but the answer should always be to plead ‘not guilty’ for a speeding ticket.

Why Should I Plead ‘Not Guilty’?


Pleading ‘not guilty’ can save you down the line. By adding points to your license, you’re getting closer to a suspended license. In New York State, it only takes 10 points to get your license suspended. If you get pulled over for going 71mph in a 50mph area, you’re adding 6 points to your license by pleading guilty.


The cost of car insurance is constantly increasing, and if you don’t have a clean record, you should expect to see a sizeable increase in your monthly insurance rate. It winds up being an unnecessary expense that you can probably reduce.

Withdrawing a Guilty Plea

It’s not uncommon that someone consults me and asks if it’s possible to withdraw a guilty plea. Often, people will pay the fine for the ticket because they don’t fully understand the ramifications that come with a ticket. What some people don’t understand is that it might still be possible to vacate the plea and argue against it.

Why Seek a Traffic Attorney?

Attorneys that cover DUI’s, speeding infractions, and other traffic court cases are very familiar with local courts. Since they’re always handling cases, they build better relationships with the judges, and have gained a better understanding of each court’s policies. Getting in touch with a traffic lawyer can not only save you short-term, but save you a lot of money over the long run.

Should I Plead Not Guilty for a Speeding Ticket? (2024)


What is the best plea for a speeding ticket? ›

It can be a stressful situation, especially since it can add points to your license, increase your insurance, and those are both on top of the fine you'll be paying. There is a lot of debate over whether you should plead guilty or not guilty, but the answer should always be to plead 'not guilty' for a speeding ticket.

Is it worth fighting a speeding ticket in New Jersey? ›

If you are facing a traffic ticket in New Jersey, fighting your ticket is worth it. Not only can tickets be expensive (you can end up paying much more than just the fine), but they can also put you at risk of losing your driver's license.

What happens if I plead not guilty to a traffic ticket in NJ? ›

Municipal Court Trial

If you plead not guilty, your case moves to trial. The trial could take place that day or another scheduled date. Municipal cases do not have a jury.

Should I plead guilty to a speeding ticket in NY? ›

Therefore, in most instances, it is recommended that you plead not guilty upon receiving a traffic citation. Speeding cases are fairly technical in nature. The Commonwealth, usually being represented by the police officer who issued the citation, must prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

What is the best defense for a speeding ticket? ›

Common defenses that could help you fight the charges include:
  • Necessity. If you had to speed to avoid a serious accident, you may be able to argue that you had no choice but to speed. ...
  • No posted speed limit. ...
  • Not speeding. ...
  • Radar gun inaccuracy. ...
  • Speedometer calibration. ...
  • GPS. ...
  • Not the person driving.

What is the best excuse to appeal a speeding ticket? ›

Top Successful Speeding Ticket Excuses
  • 26% claim they didn't realize they were speeding.
  • 21% say they are late for work.
  • 25% tell police there is a medical emergency.
  • 20% say they have to use the bathroom.
  • 14% say they didn't see a speed limit sign.
  • 22% remark that they were going as fast as everyone else.

Can I just pay my ticket and not go to court in NJ? ›

If you pay without going to court, you will be pleading guilty and giving up your right to a lawyer and your right to a trial.

How to beat a speeding ticket in New Jersey? ›

How to Fight a Traffic Ticket in New Jersey
  1. Two Choices: Plead Guilty or Not Guilty? If you have received a traffic ticket in New Jersey, you have two choices. ...
  2. Pleading Not Guilty. ...
  3. Meet with the Prosecutor. ...
  4. Appear Before the Judge. ...
  5. Consider Hiring an Attorney.

How do I get a ticket dismissed in NJ? ›

How Can I Get a Traffic Ticket Dismissed? It is generally true that only the judge can dismiss your traffic ticket, usually on the recommendation of the prosecutor. Suppose you were ticketed for driving with a suspended license. Rudnick Law could argue that the motor vehicle department suspended your license in error.

How do you plea not guilty on a speeding ticket in NY? ›

You can plead NOT GUILTY by following the instructions on the ticket, filling out the right side the ticket, signing it, and mailing it to the Court within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving the ticket. Be sure to include your current mailing address.

Is it worth fighting a speeding ticket in NY? ›

Fighting a traffic ticket in NYC with the assistance of a skilled attorney can allow you the opportunity to permanently eliminate the violation from your record as if it never even happened. With that being said, traffic school may be a more desirable option if you already have several tickets on your record.

How much is a 20 mph over speeding ticket in New York? ›

First Time Speeding Ticket Penalties
NY Speeding ViolationTotal Fine, Surcharge & DRAPoints
Speeding 1-10 MPH over limit$133 – $2383 points
Speeding 11- 20 MPH over limit$178 – $3884 points
Speeding 21- 30 MPH over limit$478 – $6886 points
Speeding 31-40 MPH over limit$718 – $1,1388 points
1 more row
Jun 3, 2024

Should I plead guilty or no contest to a speeding ticket in Texas? ›

Pleading no contest, in essence, has the same outcome of a guilty plea. You are going to have to pay the fine. However, if there is ever a civil suit filed against you related to this particular traffic offense, your plea of no contest cannot be used against you in the civil suit, while your guilty plea can.

Should I plead not guilty to a speeding ticket in PA? ›

It is almost always beneficial to plead “not guilty” and go to court. A majority of the thousands of traffic cases that we have handled resulted in a negotiation to a lesser offense which reduced the points assessed to the client's license.

How to beat a speeding ticket in California? ›

To fight a ticket in California is to plead 'not guilty' to the alleged charges. Individuals seeking redress must indicate his or her intentions by requesting a trial. A court arraignment is conducted to prepare the alleged person for the trial. A request may be made either by a written declaration or in person.

Does California have ticket forgiveness? ›

Parking ticket forgiveness, also known as parking citation dismissal or amnesty, is a program offered by the state of California that allows individuals to have their parking tickets dismissed or reduced under certain circ*mstances.


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.