Student Resume: 12 Best Examples & Templates for 2024 - ResumeHead (2024)

As a student, creating a resume may seem like a daunting task. However, a well-crafted resume can be your ticket to success in landing your dream job or internship. In this guide, we’ll explore the top 12 best examples and templates for a student resume.

A student resume typically includes information such as your education, extracurricular activities, work experience, and skills. The purpose of a student resume is to showcase your qualifications and make you stand out to potential employers.

Having a strong student resume is crucial in today’s competitive job market. It provides employers with a quick snapshot of your skills, experience, and accomplishments. Additionally, a well-crafted student resume can highlight your unique strengths and help you stand out from the crowd of other applicants.

How to Use This Guide

In this guide, we’ll provide you with 12 of the best examples and templates for a student resume. Each example includes a detailed description and explanation of why it works. By following the guidance in this guide, you’ll be able to create a winning student resume that will set you apart from other candidates.

This guide is designed to help you create an effective student resume that showcases your unique qualifications and strengthens your job or internship applications. With the guidance provided in this article, you’ll be one step closer to achieving your career goals.

When it comes to crafting a student resume, there are certain crucial components that can make or break your application. Here are the top 10 key components that should be included in your student resume:

Your contact information should be at the very top of your resume, and should include your full name, phone number, email address, and mailing address. Make sure that your email address and phone number are professional and active, as these will be the primary ways that employers will contact you.

B. Objective or Summary Statement

The objective or summary statement should be a brief, attention-grabbing statement that provides an overview of your skills, experience, and career goals. This statement should be tailored to the specific job or industry that you are applying for.

C. Education

List your academic achievements in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent degree or diploma. Include the name of the institution, your major, the dates of attendance, and any relevant honors or awards.

D. Relevant Coursework

This section provides an opportunity to highlight any relevant coursework that you’ve completed, particularly if it is relevant to the job or industry you are applying for.

E. Skills

The skills section should include any technical or transferable skills you possess that are relevant to the job you are applying for. This may include computer software, social media management, marketing, or other technical or transferable skills.

F. Work Experience

List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. This section should include the company name, your job title, dates of employment, and key responsibilities and achievements.

G. Extracurricular Activities and Achievements

Include any extracurricular activities or achievements that demonstrate your leadership, teamwork, or other soft skills. This may include involvement in clubs or organizations, volunteer work, community service, or awards and honors.

H. Volunteer Experience

Highlight any volunteer experience you’ve had, as this can demonstrate your commitment to community service and leadership skills.

I. Certifications and Awards

If you have earned any certifications or awards related to your industry or field of study, be sure to include them in this section.

J. References

Include references from professional or academic contacts who can speak to your skills and experience. Make sure to obtain permission from your references before including their contact information.

By including these key components in your student resume, you can ensure that your application stands out from the competition and presents you as a strong candidate for the job.

When it comes to creating a student resume, it’s important to follow a step-by-step guide to ensure that you cover all the essential elements. Here are the key steps to keep in mind:

A. Analyze Job Requirements

Before you start writing your resume, it’s important to analyze the job requirements for the position you’re applying for. This will help you identify the skills and experience that the employer is looking for, which you can then highlight on your resume.

B. Choose the Right Resume Format

Next, you’ll need to choose the right resume format. Depending on your work experience and the job you’re applying for, you may want to use a chronological, functional, or combination format.

C. Customize Your Resume

To make your resume stand out from the crowd, you’ll want to customize it to the job you’re applying for. This can include tailoring your professional summary, highlighting relevant skills and experience, and including keywords that the employer is likely to be looking for.

D. Highlight Your Key Accomplishments

Make sure to highlight your key accomplishments, such as projects you’ve worked on or awards you’ve received. These can help demonstrate your skills and experience to potential employers.

E. Use Strong Action Verbs

When describing your experience, make sure to use strong action verbs to help convey your skills and accomplishments. Examples include “achieved,” “managed,” and “collaborated.”

F. Keep it Concise, but Complete

Your resume should be concise and easy to read, but also complete enough to give potential employers a good sense of your skills and experience.

G. Tailor Your Resume to the Job You Want

In addition to customizing your resume to the job you’re applying for, it’s also important to tailor it to the specific company or organization you’re interested in. Researching the company and using their language can help your resume stand out.

H. Proofread and Edit

Finally, make sure to proofread and edit your resume carefully. Typos and errors can be a major turn-off for potential employers, so it’s important to make sure your resume is error-free and polished.

By following these steps, you can create a strong student resume that highlights your skills and experience and helps you stand out in a competitive job market.

Are you a student looking for a job or internship? Crafting an impressive resume is essential to stand out from the competition.

Sample Resume 1: Education-focused

This resume template is perfect for students who want to highlight their academic achievements and coursework. It includes sections for education, relevant coursework, and academic honors.

Objective: Detail-oriented and motivated student with a passion for education seeking opportunities to apply knowledge and skills in an educational setting. Committed to creating a positive and engaging learning environment for students.

Education: Bachelor of Education
XYZ University, City, State
Graduation Year

Relevant Coursework:

  • Educational Psychology
  • Classroom Management
  • Curriculum Development
  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Special Education Strategies

Academic Honors:

  • Dean’s List, Fall 20XX – Spring 20XX
  • XYZ Scholarship, Academic Year 20XX-20XX


  • Strong knowledge of educational theories and teaching strategies.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Proficient in using technology for instructional purposes.
  • Ability to create engaging lesson plans and adapt to diverse learning styles.
  • Effective classroom management and organization abilities.

Sample Resume 2: Experience-focused

If you have work experience, this resume template is ideal for showcasing your skills and accomplishments. It includes sections for work experience, skills, and accomplishments.

Objective: Results-driven and experienced professional with a proven track record of success in [relevant field]. Seeking a challenging role where I can leverage my skills and experience to drive organizational growth and achieve strategic objectives.

Work Experience: Job Title
Company Name, City, State

  • Led and managed [specific responsibilities and achievements].
  • Implemented [specific projects or initiatives] resulting in [quantifiable outcomes].
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to [describe collaborative projects or achievements].
  • Developed and maintained [specific skills or achievements relevant to the job].


  • [List of relevant skills, such as leadership, project management, problem-solving, etc.]
  • [Include any specific software or technical skills related to the job]


  • [Highlight notable achievements or contributions in previous roles]
  • [Quantify achievements where possible]

Sample Resume 3: Combination style

This template combines elements of both education and experience-focused resumes. It includes sections for education, work experience, and skills.

Objective: Motivated and versatile professional seeking a challenging role that allows for the application of strong educational background and relevant work experience. Committed to delivering high-quality results and driving organizational success.

Education: Bachelor of [Field of Study]
XYZ University, City, State
Graduation Year

Relevant Coursework:

  • [List of relevant coursework]
  • [Include any additional certifications or training]

Work Experience: Job Title
Company Name, City, State

  • [Highlight specific responsibilities and achievements]
  • [Focus on transferable skills and accomplishments related to the job]


  • [List of relevant skills, including technical skills and soft skills]
  • [Include any specific software or tools relevant to the job]

Sample Resume 4: Undergraduate Student

This resume template is tailored specifically for undergraduate students who may not have extensive work experience yet. It includes sections for education, relevant coursework, and extracurricular activities.

Objective: Highly motivated and dedicated undergraduate student seeking an opportunity to gain practical experience in [relevant field]. Eager to apply academic knowledge and develop skills in a professional setting to contribute to organizational success.

Education: Bachelor of [Field of Study]
XYZ University, City, State
Expected Graduation Year

Relevant Coursework:

  • [List of relevant coursework]
  • [Include any relevant research projects or academic achievements]

Extracurricular Activities:

  • [List of involvement in clubs, organizations, or volunteer work]
  • [Highlight leadership roles or significant contributions]


  • [List of relevant skills, including technical skills and soft skills]
  • [Include any certifications or training]

Sample Resume 5: Recent Graduate

If you recently graduated, this resume template is perfect for showcasing your education, skills, and any relevant work experience. It includes sections for education, work experience, and skills.

Objective: Highly motivated and enthusiastic recent graduate seeking a challenging role in [relevant field]. Strong educational background combined with practical experience in [specific area]. Committed to continuous learning and professional development.

Education: Bachelor of [Field of Study]
XYZ University, City, State
Graduation Year

Work Experience: Job Title
Company Name, City, State

  • [Highlight specific responsibilities and achievements]
  • [Focus on transferable skills and accomplishments related to the job]


  • [List of relevant skills, including technical skills and soft skills]
  • [Include any specific software or tools relevant to the job]

Sample Resume 6: High School Student

High school students can use this template to highlight their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and relevant coursework. It includes sections for education, extracurricular activities, and skills.

Objective: Dedicated and motivated high school student seeking opportunities to develop skills and gain experience in [relevant field]. Committed to academic excellence and active involvement in extracurricular activities.

Education: High School Diploma
XYZ High School, City, State
Graduation Year

Extracurricular Activities:

  • [List of involvement in clubs, organizations, or volunteer work]
  • [Highlight leadership roles or significant contributions]

Relevant Coursework:

  • [List of relevant coursework or academic achievements]


  • [List of relevant skills, including soft skills and any technical skills]

Sample Resume 7: Business Student

This template is designed for business students who want to show their business knowledge, skills, and work experience. It includes sections for education, work experience, skills, and relevant coursework.

Objective: Highly motivated and detail-oriented business student seeking a challenging role to apply knowledge and skills in [specific area, e.g., marketing, finance, management]. Committed to delivering exceptional results and contributing to organizational success.

Education: Bachelor of Business Administration
XYZ University, City, State
Expected Graduation Year

Work Experience: Job Title
Company Name, City, State

  • [Highlight specific responsibilities and achievements]
  • [Focus on transferable skills and accomplishments related to the job]


  • [List of relevant skills, including business skills and soft skills]
  • [Include any specific software or tools relevant to the job]

Relevant Coursework:

  • [List of relevant coursework or business-related projects]

Sample Resume 8: Computer Science Student

This resume template is tailored for students in the field of computer science. It includes sections for education, skills, certifications, and relevant coursework.

Objective: Highly motivated and analytical computer science student seeking opportunities to apply technical knowledge and skills in [specific area, e.g., software development, data analysis]. Committed to continuous learning and staying updated with emerging technologies.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
XYZ University, City, State
Expected Graduation Year


  • [List of relevant programming languages, software, and technical skills]
  • [Include any certifications or projects]

Relevant Coursework:

  • [List of relevant coursework or projects]

Sample Resume 9: Nursing Student

If you’re a nursing student looking for a job or internship, this resume template is perfect for you. It includes sections for education, clinical experience, skills, and certifications.

Objective: Compassionate and dedicated nursing student seeking a hands-on experience to apply theoretical knowledge and develop clinical skills. Committed to providing exceptional patient care and making a positive impact on healthcare outcomes.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing
XYZ University, City, State
Expected Graduation Year

Clinical Experience:

  • [List of clinical placements or internships]
  • [Highlight key responsibilities and skills gained]


  • [List of relevant nursing skills, such as patient assessment, medication administration, and clinical documentation]
  • [Include any certifications or training]

Sample Resume 10: Communications Student

This template is designed for students in the field of communications. It includes sections for education, work experience, skills, and relevant coursework.

Objective: Motivated and creative communications student seeking opportunities to apply skills and knowledge in [specific area, e.g., public relations, marketing]. Committed to delivering compelling messages and engaging target audiences.

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Communications
XYZ University, City, State
Expected Graduation Year

Work Experience: Job Title
Company Name, City, State

  • [Highlight specific responsibilities and achievements]
  • [Focus on transferable skills and accomplishments related to the job]


  • [List of relevant communication skills, such as writing, public speaking, social media management]
  • [Include any specific software or tools relevant to the job]

Relevant Coursework:

  • [List of relevant coursework or projects]

Sample Resume 11: Creative Student

If you’re a creative student looking for a job or internship, this resume template is perfect for you. It includes sections for education, skills, relevant coursework, and design portfolio.

Objective: Innovative and passionate creative student seeking opportunities to utilize artistic talents and develop skills in [specific area, e.g., graphic design, photography]. Committed to delivering visually captivating and impactful work.

Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts
XYZ University, City, State
Expected Graduation Year


  • [List of relevant artistic skills, such as design software proficiency, photography techniques]
  • [Include any certifications or notable projects]

Relevant Coursework:

  • [List of relevant coursework or projects]
  • [Include any awards or exhibitions]

Design Portfolio:

  • [Include a link to an online portfolio or samples of work]

Sample Resume 12: STEM Student

This resume template is tailored for students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). It includes sections for education, relevant coursework, skills, and projects.

Objective: Highly motivated and detail-oriented STEM student seeking opportunities to apply technical knowledge and problem-solving skills in [specific field, e.g., engineering, science]. Committed to innovation and making a positive impact through research and development.

Education: Bachelor of Science in [Field of Study]
XYZ University, City, State
Expected Graduation Year


  • [List of relevant technical skills and methodologies]
  • [Include any certifications or research projects]

Relevant Coursework:

  • [List of relevant coursework or projects]
  • [Include any academic achievements or awards]


  • [List and briefly describe significant projects or research work]

Crafting an impressive resume is essential for college students who are about to embark on their career journeys. While the basic structure of your resume may remain the same, there are certain tricks you can use that make your resume stand out. Here are some tips and tricks to help you create a compelling and effective student resume:

Use action verbs

Instead of using passive phrases, make sure to use action verbs that give a clear picture of what you have accomplished. For instance, instead of saying “worked on a project,” use phrases like “initiated a project,” “coordinated a team,” or “improved performance.”

Highlight your accomplishments

Don’t just list your job responsibilities, but make sure to highlight your achievements as well. Use numbers and data to quantify your accomplishments. For instance, if you worked on a project that improved the company’s revenue, mention the percentage of revenue increase.

Customize your resume for the job

It’s essential to customize your resume according to the job you are applying for. Identify the skills and experience required, and highlight them in your resume. This shows the hiring manager that you understand the company’s needs and are a suitable candidate for the job.

Use Keywords

Make sure to use relevant keywords throughout your resume. Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter resumes. Using relevant keywords increase the likelihood that your resume will be selected for further evaluation.

Use formatting

Use bullet points, bold, italic, and underline in your resume, but do not overdo it; keep it simple and easy to read. Use white space to make your resume look more appealing and legible. Make sure to use the same font type and size throughout your resume.

Proofread your resume

Make sure there are no errors in your resume. Typos, grammar mistakes, and formatting issues can be a quick turn-off to the hiring manager. Take the time to proofread your resume or have someone else check it for you.

Keep it concise

Limit your resume to one or two pages, and make sure you include only the relevant information. Avoid adding irrelevant details or long paragraphs. Keep your resume concise and to the point.

Include volunteer work and extracurricular activities

Including volunteer work and extracurricular activities in your resume is crucial, especially if you have limited work experience. This shows your work ethic, leadership skills, and your involvement in the community.

Use LinkedIn and other social media platforms to promote your resume online. Create a professional profile that highlights your skills, experience, and achievements. Connect with potential employers and industry professionals to expand your network.

These tips and tricks can help make your student resume stand out and become more effective. By highlighting your accomplishments, customizing your resume, and using relevant keywords, you can impress hiring managers and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

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