Text Messages Being Used in Court | Rigden Lieberman, LLC (2024)

Often, a picture or a text is worth a thousand words. That maxim holds true in court and can be used as evidence. However, there are certain conditions that need to be met first.

Conditions for Using Text Messages in Court

Text Messages Being Used in Court | Rigden Lieberman, LLC (1)

The conditions for using text messages in court adhere to New Jersey’s rules of evidence, as follows:

Relevance: The text message must be directly related to the issue before the court.

Authenticity: Text messages must be authentic, meaning you must show that the party sent and received the messages.

Legal Acquisition: The text messages must have been legally obtained. So, you need to make sure there are no violations of any privacy laws or other laws.

Hearsay: Text messages may not be admissible as evidence if it is a prohibited statement made outside of court as proof of their integrity. That out-of-court statement is called “hearsay,” which has various exceptions. The complexity of determining whether the hearsay rule applies requires the advice of a lawyer at Rigden Lieberman, LLC.

Privacy and Consent: Privacy and consent may also affect whether the court permits the messages to be used as evidence, particularly in family law cases. If the risk of unjust prejudice to the party outweighs its value, a judge can keep it out of court.

Best evidence rule: Where possible, actual evidence should be provided. So, it’s better to offer real digital text messages rather than a photograph of the screen.

There Are Other Digital Documents That Can Be Used:

Text Messages Being Used in Court | Rigden Lieberman, LLC (2)

A wide range of digital documents can be used as evidence, as follows:

  • Emails
  • Text and instant messages
  • Social media posts and direct messages
  • Digital photos and videos
  • Online transaction records
  • Digital contracts and agreements
  • Computer and smartphone logs
  • Files stored on cloud services
  • GPS and other location data

Remember that admissibility requirements for digital evidence include relevancy, authenticity, and legal acquisition.

Rigden Lieberman, LLC is here to help. Our lawyers understand the complex dynamics of digital evidence in today’s legal landscape.

Text Messages Being Used in Court | Rigden Lieberman, LLC (3)

ByAlexandra “Lexie” Rigden

Alexandra “Lexie” Rigden understands that family law clients face unique challenges mentally, emotionally, and financially. Rigden Lieberman, LLC handles all stages of family law litigation, including trials, emergency court motions, as well as pre and post judgment applications. Every case is different, and Lexie Rigden & Ronald G. Lieberman will work to achieve the best outcome for clients whether it involves litigation or settlement. Request a consultation to discuss your case further.

Text Messages Being Used in Court | Rigden Lieberman, LLC (2024)


Text Messages Being Used in Court | Rigden Lieberman, LLC? ›

Conditions for Using Text Messages in Court

Are text messages enough proof in court? ›

Yes, text messages can hold up in court if they are authenticated. This involves proving who sent and received the text messages. For example, it might mean showing a screenshot or printout of the text dialogue and identifying the phone numbers associated with the messages.

Can hacked text messages be used in court? ›

Yes. Whether the text is on a printed piece of paper, in a screenshot on another device, emailed to, or sent in a chat on social media, it's useful because it is the text itself that is being used as evidence – not the medium in which the message was sent.

Do judges look at text messages? ›

According to California law, text messages can be considered as evidence in family court proceedings. These text messages can be used as proof or facts to establish allegations of adultery, financial infidelity, domestic violence, child abuse or neglect, or other threatening behavior.

How do I collect text messages from court? ›

Text message records must be obtained from a party's cell phone provider. An attorney can obtain a court order or subpoena to get the records directly from the service provider.

Can deleted text messages be subpoenaed? ›

Can an Attorney Subpoena Deleted Text Messages? During the proceedings, a lawyer may need to subpoena deleted text messages because the content of a text message cannot be subpoenaed directly. However, if a spouse deletes a text from their phone, the communication record can still be subpoenaed.

Can deleted text messages be retrieved? ›

Did you enable Google backup service on your Android phone? If yes, you can recover deleted text messages from Android from Google Drive. This feature ensures that your messages are safely stored in Google Drive and can be restored to your device or a new device during the setup process.

Can deleted texts be used in court? ›

There is no way to to recover deleted messages without a law enforcement agency or lawyer submitting a subpoena, warrant or court order.

Are photos of text messages admissible in court? ›

As a general rule, all relevant evidence is admissible, unless it is excluded under an exception. So text messages would be admissible if relevant (here, they contain evidence of illegal activity), subject to exclusion under the relevant rules of evidence.

Can text messages be used in court to prove adultery? ›

Providing evidence of infidelity can potentially affect the way your property is divided because of marital funds being spent to maintain the affair in question. So, if text messages prove an affair, they could be admissible as evidence against you.

Can I get a copy of my spouse's text messages? ›

Generally, texts and emails are private. Thus, you don't have a right to look at them without your spouse's consent. Doing so is viewed as an invasion of privacy. It doesn't matter whether you are married, separated or divorced.

Are text messages private? ›

Like e-mail, SMS is not end-to-end encrypted; the message may remain stored on a server for some time, allowing bad actors to read it at a later date. There are a number of attack scenarios that can allow a malicious party to obtain SMSes that are intended for someone else.

How far back can police track text messages? ›

In the United States, there is no set time limit for how far back text messages can be subpoenaed from phone companies or iPhones by the FBI. The government can subpoena past records going back as far as they exist. Most phone companies keep records for 1-2 years.

What counts as text evidence? ›

The definition of textual evidence is information evidence used in writing that is directly pulled from a verified source. Textual evidence can come from secondary sources, such as informational texts like scholarly journals or textbooks, or it can come from primary sources.

Can a text message be used as a will? ›

At this point, the safest legal way to ensure that assets are distributed according to your wishes is to take the time to have an official Will drafted and to name a trusted executor. While text messages are perfect for quick communications, they are not a legally acceptable substitute for a written Will.

Are cell phone pictures admissible in court? ›

If you would like to use cell phone evidence in your case, your attorney will have to convince the judge the video footage is both relevant to your case — and reliable. For evidence to be allowed into court, it must be considered relevant to the case at hand.


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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