Ursucede Id Entare the level 17 Cursed Gnome Adventurer by Beyyy23 (2024)

Table of Contents
Adept Passive Fix 1.7.0 Loot Expansion 1.7.4 Rod of Dissipation 1.7.0 Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.7.4 Official Expansion! Features: Nekarcos's Quality of Life 07: Visible Size Categories 1.5.0 Class: Hekatonkheire 1.7.0 Tinker Tinkering 1.7.0 Dual-Classes Reworked by AscendingPhoenix (Rae edit) 1.7.6 Godfeaster on the Map 1.7.0 Shorter Zones 1.7.6 Melinda on the Map - Bamboo Edition 1.7.0 Class+Race Pack 1.7.4 Smarter Rest 1.7.6 Effective Talent Scaling 1.7.4 Class: Fallen 1.7.0 Audiomancy 1.7.4 Interact with Sidekicks 1.7.0 Gnomes 1.7.2 Infinite Mastery 1.7.4 Sidekick Level Catch-up 1.6.0 Schematic Recycling 1.6.6 Necro NegLife+ 1.7.2 Forbidden Cults 1.7.4 Official Expansion! Outlander 1.7.4 Modify Prodigies 1.7.4 Doctornull's Classes Reloaded 1.7.4 Possessor Bonus Class 1.7.4 Recaiden's Evolution Prodigies 1.7.0 Cleaner Item Descriptions 1.7.0 Dungeon Spawn 1.7.4 Schrödinger's Lore (Mark 2) 1.7.0 Multi Evolutions Fork 1.7.4 Points, Horrific Points 1.7.4 astralInferno's Celestial Oddities 1.7.6 Arcanum Class Pack 1.7.3 Campaign Uncapper 1.4.2 Augmented Mobility Grants Telekinetic Grasp 1.7.6 ZOmnibus Addon Pack 1.7.4 Pre-Paid Hiemal Shield 1.7.0 Nekarcos's Quality of Life 01: Effect Display 1.7.5 Visible Cloud Caller 1.7.0 Items Vault 1.7.6 Adventurer Mastery 1.7.2 Embers of Rage 1.7.4 Official Expansion! Features: Improved Combat Text v2 Custom Edit 1.7.5 Rebalancing 1.3.0 Ignore Race/Class Locks 1.7.0 Improved Adventurer 1.7.4 Spell Merchants 1.7.6 Perfect Perfection 1.7.4 Wilder Balance 1.7.4 Movarc'h's Improved Escorts - Bamboo + CH Edition 1.7.4 Merchant on the Map 1.7.0 Inferno Race Pack 1.7.0 Verdant Class Pack 1.7.2 FAQs References

Adept Passive Fix 1.7.0

Request from Zeyphor on the Discord.

Fixes the Adept bug by forcibly recalculating all your talent passives when you learn it.

Adept Passive Fix 1.7.0

Loot Expansion 1.7.4

Aadd-on that expands on the available Egos and Semi-Random Artifacts available. Introduces all sorts of new Effects and Talents used with both! For example:

Spellslinger - A Passive that increases Spellpower per visible enemy in a range of 2 - Rolls on Hats

Nether Resonance - A Passive found on the Semi-Random Artifact 'Netheric Diadem' that increases Light resist by half of Magic stat and Nature resist by half of Willpower stat.

Combust - Found on 'Pyrophage' items, if you hit a burning enemy, cause an aoe of fire damage and gain a temporary life-regen buff.

Mystical Recovery - Found on shields, when blocking, 20% chance to lower the cooldown of a random spell-type talent based on item level.

All That Glitters - Activated talent found on Rings, gives you a temporary buff to Spellpower based on how much money you have.

This is only a small sampling of new additions among the 10 semi-random Artifacts and 100+ Egos. There are still many more of both to come and I will be posting a full breakdown of all the new components soon. At this time, many of the added Egos are Greater, so they will only appear on blue or purple items. Designed to be compatible with other addons, please report any possible collision issues.

In the meantime, please check it out and post any questions, concerns, or tuning feedback.

Google Doc Summary at - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VBu4F1tmKSRLjLqZl2Eu2lvp4wFZfdILJc-jAW5lttI/edit?usp=sharing

----Icons are edited versions from the existing game or from https://game-icons.net/---
---sounds edited from those freely available on https://bigsoundbank.com/ and https://freesound.org/--

Loot Expansion 1.7.4

Rod of Dissipation 1.7.0

Modifies the Storming the City quest to change its reward item to a Rod of Dissipation, essentially identical in functionality to the original Rune of Dissipation but not requiring an inscription slot

Rod of Dissipation 1.7.0

Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.7.4

Official Expansion!

Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of "demons", sad*stic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?


  • Start with a new class, the Doombringer! These avatars of demonic destruction charge into battle with massive two-handed weapons, cutting swaths of firey devastation through hordes of opponents. Armed with flame magic and demonic strength, they delight in fighting against overwhelming odds, softening up the crowd with waves of fire, then feeding on the flames and suffering of their surroundings to stay alive while quickly reducing any group to a pile of ash and gore.
  • Unlock a new class, the Demonologist, with an all-new item enhancement mechanic! Bearing a shield and the magic of the Spellblaze itself, these melee-fighting casters can grow demonic seeds from their fallen enemies. Imbue these seeds onto your items to gain a wide array of new talents and passive benefits, and summon the demons within them to fight on your side! Ever looked at a gigantic demon-cursed minotaur and wished it was on your side for once? Well, now you CAN summon one to pound your foes into paste while you cast devastating spells from afar, or call forth a squad of Fire Imps to pelt your enemies to death while they exhaust themselves on your impenetrable defenses! Demons have persistent health, making them a little more precious than disposable necromancer skeletons or summoner beasts, but can be revived from death nonetheless.
  • Two new zones, with all-new art, foes, and bosses! You've seen the plains of the Fearscape before, now see the lairs and headquarters of the demons themselves!
  • Over 10,000 words of written lore to find! The demons were once an enlightened, peaceful race, hailing from a distant planet known as Mal'Rok; learn what drove them to plot Eyal's eternal torture! Discover monuments to each of the demonic species and noteworthy individuals, showing the place of honor each has among them! Get a glimpse into the culture and daily lives of these sad*stic invaders and their brainwashed thralls!
  • Unlock a new race, Doomelves: Shalore who've taken to the demonic alterations especially well, corrupting their typical abilities into a darker form. Blink away to safety, transform into a shadowy dúathedlen to hide in the shadows or prey on your foes with blasts of darkness, use your new resilience to soak up status effects and critical hits, and assault your enemies' minds to leave them unsteady in combat!
  • Between the aforementioned classes and Doomelves, a whopping 75 new talents!
  • Unlock two new cosmetic options! You know you've always wanted demon-horns.
  • Two new events, appearing anywhere in Eyal!
  • 20 new artifacts, with unique and interesting effects. Collect the Obsidian Treasures to amass more and more power! Slip your hands into the Will of Ul'Gruth and watch your sweeping blows smash down walls! Wear a giant hideous hell-mouth as a fashionable belt!
  • 7 new achievements! Conquer the worst Urh'Rok's forces can throw at you, and hang their metaphorical skulls from your profile page!

Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.7.4

Nekarcos's Quality of Life 07: Visible Size Categories 1.5.0

This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
This pack makes size categories VISIBLY apparant. To be clearer-- A "Tiny" ant will now look SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than, say... A "Big" bear.
Background: I know-- It's so obvious, right?? For the longest time, I've wanted to make this add-on-- But it was only now that I could confirm its stability.
Stability: Very High

      • Features can be toggled in: "(Menu)" > "Game Options" --> "[Nekarcos]"

Nekarcos's Quality of Life 07: Visible Size Categories 1.5.0

Class: Hekatonkheire 1.7.0

This adds three new classes, two of which are loosely based on the Headless Horror, plus a mini-adventurer that gets talents from all three.
All are considered Demented, but use a new resource instead of insanity and do *not* require Forbidden Cults.
Their talents do not appear on enemies.

Hekatonkhieres are spell-using melee combatants who mix armed and unarmed attacks while accompanied by their eldritch Wandering Eyes.

New Talents
Spell / Shambler: This tree defines your combat style: stomp up to your target and wind up to a single devastating blow.
Spell / Headless Horror: Extract your own eyes from your head and empower them into monstrous minions for both attack and defense.
Technique / Titanic Blows: Heavy attacks with your weapons, which gain space-warping powers later on.
Technique / Helping Hands: Use your other 98 hands to block, steal, distract, and heal.
Technique / Harming Hands: Use your other 98 hands to grab, crush, drag, and batter.

Advanced Talents
Spell / Mountainshaper: Locked but available at level 0, your eldritch presence spills out into the world and warps the ground.
Technique / Splintered Lord: Time your attacks to take advantage of your extra-dimensional nature - or just chop enemies in half
Spell / Eyesight: Improve and direct your Wandering Eyes to better protect you and afflict your enemies.

Old Talents:
Cunning / Survival
Technique / Conditioning

By special request:
Argosines are summoners who are heavily dependent on their Wandering Eyes to fight, but get more and better eyes than the Hekatonkhiere.

New Talents
Spell / Sybarite: You can never hide behind corners, but you can walk through walls.
Spell / Headless Horror
Spell / Watcher: Banish enemies, empower your eyes with elemental magic, and keep up a swarm of them.
Spell / Veiled Shepherd: Actively command your eyes with extra beams, whirls, and energy.
Spell / Hale Hands: Use your other 98 hands to block, steal, defend, and overcome.

Advanced Talents
Spell / Oubliette: Locked but available at level 0, your eldritch presence spills out into the world and brings endless woe.
Spell / Eyebite: Teach your eyes to taunt, slow, and petrify, or rip out an enemy's eyes to serve you.
Spell / Eyesight

Old Talents:
Cunning / Survival
Spell / Divination

Kharybdians are ocean mages who mix attack spells, summons, and a precise sense of timing.

New Talents
Spell / Bloodtide: Cast your spells at the right time for extra effects, and always take one turn per turn.
Spell / Oceansong: Add destructive and distracting music to your talents.
Spell / Intrusion: Conjure your alien anatomy into the real world to destroy your enemies with claw, eyeball, and tentacle.
Spell / Polyps: Summon carnivorous coral into enemies, then sacrifice it to protect yourself.
Spell / Chronorium: Teleport back and forth, and deal with today's damage tomorrow.

Advanced Talents
Spell / Marching Sea: Locked but available at level 0, channel the myths of the other place to disable your enemies and rain down blood.
Spell / Null Vizier: Control the light to hide, attack, and defend.
Spell / Moon Wurm: You've finally realized, you aren't just you, you're someone else too. The Moon Wurm provides random support and a powerful summon.

Generic Talents

Old Talents:
Cunning / Survival
Other Page: Use your many many limbs to achieve mastery of magic and items.

Class: Hekatonkheire 1.7.0

Tinker Tinkering 1.7.0

A collection of small quality-of life tweaks for tinker-using characters in the Embers of Rage DLC. Notable changes:

  • New tinker recipe Regeneration Salve.
  • In the Create Tinker dialog, place initial focus in the recipes list for ease of keyboard navigation.
  • Expand the descriptions of schematics in tinker stores and recipes in the Create Tinker dialog to include more useful information.
  • For characters with both a transmogrification chest and an Automated Portable Extractor, the latter will automatically be used for items that yield ingredients when melted, and the former will be used for the rest for fortress energy (controlled by game options "Gameplay | Multiplexed transmogrification" and "Gameplay | Multiplexed transmogrification minimum tier").
  • Schematics for tinkers you've already learned can optionally be listed in a different color in stores and in player inventory for easier distinction (controlled by game option "Gameplay | Highlight learned schematics in stores").

Tinker Tinkering 1.7.0

Dual-Classes Reworked by AscendingPhoenix (Rae edit) 1.7.6

 Small edit done by me that nerfs enemy talent level scaling across the board. I take no credit for this great rework of the original Multi-Class challenge, all credit goes to AscendingPhoenix, find the orignal mod here: https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/dual-class-challenge

Allows the player to pick two classes, but the difficulty scales upward. The mod dramatically ramps up the difficulty level to compensate. (Original by StarKeep, forked mod by Raenarill).
You advance twice as fast, and gain six talent category points: at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60. You gain normal stat points until level 51.
BLITZ MODE: You gain two thirds more talent points. After level 66, you gain one class talent point per level and one generic every two out of three levels.
CLASSIC MODE: features base game talent points until level 100.

CLASS EVOLUTIONS: You can swap your first and second classes in the Game Options tab for evolutionary purposes.
WANDERERS AND ADVENTURERS: These are only supported as the FIRST class.
QUANTUM SLIDERS: Now supported as the second class.
EXPERIENCE ADJUSTMENT: You can now adjust how much experience you are gaining, from 50% all the way up to 500%.

TIP: Good equipment takes the usual time to show up, so you probably will see it at about lvl 50 with dual classing enabled.

In order to activate this addon, look at your Game Options for a new tab. Enjoy.

Dual-Classes Reworked by AscendingPhoenix (Rae edit) 1.7.6

Godfeaster on the Map 1.7.0

Places the Godfeaster on the map instead of as a random encounter, and warns you about not being able to rod out. Essentially a copy-paste of Melinda on the Map.

Godfeaster on the Map 1.7.0

Shorter Zones 1.7.6

Reduces the number of floors on each zone.

Shorter Zones 1.7.6

Melinda on the Map - Bamboo Edition 1.7.0

Places the Sect of Kryl-Feijan event on the map as a zone entrance rather than an undetectable encounter. This fork marks the sect as encountered so it works with improved recall.

Melinda on the Map - Bamboo Edition 1.7.0

Class+Race Pack 1.7.4

Adds several new classes and races:
- Bladebender class: Psionic melee fighter that triple-wields daggers and has "meta" talents that can modify other talents.
- Harbinger class: Wilder melee fighter that channels storms through their attacks. More powerful against groups of foes than against single targets. Their class talents do not use resources.
- The Cooler Anorithil class: Revamp of the Anorithil class that must directly alternate between Solar and Lunar talents instead of managing positive/negative energy.
- Zephyr class: Basically a ranged and exclusively lightning-based version of Arcane Blade. Overpowered, not a serious class, and mostly exists to demonstrate instant projectiles.

- Moon Fox race: Race that can radically transform class and generic talents by attaching tails to them.
- Dreamelf race: Overpowered race that can reposition enemies and shorten talent cooldowns.
- Lich race: Undead race that can convert a portion of all their damage into a damage type of their choice.

This addon also makes a couple other changes to make the Zephyr class work:
- Feather Wind is no longer snapshottable, provides less defense but provides both melee and ranged defense, and its maximum encumbrance is no longer spellpower-dependent.

Other than that, the addon tries not to affect existing classes/races/talents. The new classes won't appear on enemies or Adventurers.

You may freely modify and redistribute this addon and its contents, except where otherwise indicated in the Credits section below.

Weight: 134953

===== Credits =====
As in vanilla, all talent icons are from http://game-icons.net/ and licensed under CC-BY 3.0. Class icons are from https://opengameart.org/content/painterly-spell-icons-part-4 and https://opengameart.org/content/11-planet-sci-fi-set .

http://freesound.org/people/pingel/sounds/2689/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/artifact/sounds/29675/ CC BY 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/BOBtheROSS/sounds/244358/ CC BY 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/CGEffex/sounds/98335/ CC-BY 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/Ephemeral_Rift/sounds/77370/ CC BY-NC 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/jameswrowles/sounds/248219/ CC BY 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/Julien%20Matthey/sounds/105016/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/misosound/sounds/251759/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/nicStage/sounds/64460/ CC BY 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/benjaminharveydesign/sounds/315914/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/misosound/sounds/251759/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/werra/sounds/232130/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/bspiller5/sounds/157616/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/qubodup/sounds/219566/ CC-BY 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/gezortenplotz/sounds/20135/ CC-BY 3.0

===== Changelog =====
- Added Moon Fox race
- Bug fix: Dreamelf/Moon Fox gender restriction now works fully
- Simplified Resistance to give all resistance instead of physical, fire, cold, lightning, and acid resistance, and greatly reduced its resistance value to be more in line with Thick Skin (i.e. it sucks now)

- Updated for ToME version 1.7.2 (including translation support)
- Changed some talents to mitigate ToME's crit tracking bug ( ). Talents with non-damaging effects that crit (e.g. Countershock, Solar Shield) now try to preserve previous crit state; other affected talents are detailed individually below.
- Redesigned all combatTalentLimit() calls, attempting to adapt to 1.7's change to combatTalentLimit() shape.
- Slight changes to various talent descriptions for consistency.
- Bladebender:
- Bug fix: Deja Vu no longer routinely fails to force its target and no longer infinitely repeats talents with coroutines
- Bug fix: Specialty can no longer be used on prodigies
- Bug fix: Specialty now calls on_mastery_change and updates talent passives correctly
- Bug fix: Eliminated an accidentally-left-in debugging line (printed "asdfasglasldgkj" when Project reactivated after leveling up)
- Air Parry now prints its message right before destroying a projectile instead of right after
- Cooler Anorithil:
- Bug fix: Selenelion now provides the correct amount of extra spell crit multiplier
- Bug fix: Ad Astra no longer refers to Jumpgate in its failure message (text-only bug)
- Crit tracking bug mitigation: Syzygy talent now uses instant bolts instead of projectiles, tries to preserve previous crit state, and uses its own crit state for its damage
- Crit tracking bug mitigation: Star Song beams now crit individually
- Crit tracking bug mitigation: Solar Flares explosions now crit individually
- Resistance's talent level scaling curve for its resistances adjusted (lower values at talent level 1, higher values at higher talent levels)
- Solar Shield duration reduced to 5 (from 10); the long duration was a holdover from when Bathe in Light could be obtained from escorts
- Solar Shield's description now includes damage shield power and duration bonuses
- Harbinger:
- Finally got rid of the Tremor category.
- Crit tracking bug mitigation: Flashover now tries to preserve previous crit state and uses its own crit state for its damage
- Fortress of Ruin now provides evasion instead of a variant of crit shrug.
- Resistance now provides slightly more resistance
- Resistance's resistance cap bonus now converges instead of scaling at ^0.5
- Fortitude now scales linearly (previously ^0.75) and generally gives slightly more saves
- Lich:
- Bug fix: The Lich talent now describes the effect of 1.7 critical shrug instead of 1.5 critical shrug.
- Ancient Knowledge now has a safeguard for talent categories that are known by the actor but don't actually exist (fixes compatibility with Arcanist class from Arcanum).
- Zephyr:
- Bug fix: Lightning Phase's damage can now crit
- Crit tracking bug mitigation: Hail of Destruction's spell crit now happens per-target for the lightning explosion, instead of before doing the archery attack

- Removed some debugging print() calls
- Bug fix: Vortex now attributes its damage correctly (allows it to trigger "Talent on hit (mindpower)" directly)
- Bug fix: Ancient Knowledge no longer affects mastery of prodigies (coincidentally fixes Adept error)
- No longer modifies Tempest because its snapshotting is fixed in Bugfix Pack.

- Initial release
- Changes to the classes and races:
- All content updated for ToME4 version 1.6.7
- Removed legacy talents/effects/etc. that were kept for save compatibility in the original addons, since this is a new addon (and 1.6 is not save compatible with 1.5 anyway)
- Some indentation cleanup
- Edited some descriptions
- Bladebender:
- Bug fix: The sound effect for Break Guard now accounts for the enemy shrugging off the disarm or stun
- Bug fix: Deja Vu recursion guard no longer sticks around slightly longer than intended when the Deja Vu sustain is deactivated
- Bug fix: Deja Vu now has a message when its chosen talent is lost, like the other Talent Perfection talents
- Bug fix: Specialty now updates the passive effects of non-passive talents
- Bug fix: Waiting Blades now only attacks hostile creatures as it claims
- Lesser Weapon Focus can now trigger from all attacks that did not originate from Lesser Weapon Focus, but has a lower trigger chance
- Reduced healing and psi gain from One With Blades by 1/3
- Healing and psi gain from One With Blades is no longer rounded
- Perforate now uses blood color
- Talent Perfection messages for talents being lost no longer begin with a space
- Dreamelf:
- Updated experience penalty to match the change to Shalore
- Updated healing infusion to be inscribed instead of in inventory, to match changes to other races
- Cooler Anorithil:
- Bug fix: Finally implemented Sear and Numb with callbackOnDealDamage, fixing them searing/numbing through damage shields. Also can I just say that death_note is a really bad variable name
- Bug fix: Solar Focus Target now actually removes itself if the source dies or otherwise disappears
- Bug fix: Solar Focus now deactivates immediately upon changing levels
- Bug fix: Solar Flares no longer fails to roll crit and shift alignment when it doesn't find any targets
- Renamed from "Anorithil" to "Cooler Anorithil" and is now separate from the vanilla class (no more monsters with it)
- Added class icon
- Added "SOLAR_", "LUNAR_", "LIMINAL_", to unprefixed talents' internal names to reduce the chance of addon conflicts.
- Talents with 3D sounds no longer lose volume with distance, and have had their panning adjusted
- Changed Cunning/Survival mastery from 1.1 to 1.0
- Replaced Duality's projectile deflection chance with a much lower chance to avoid damage
- Reduced the amount of critical chance from Selenelion
- Reduced the damage of Spontaneous Combustion
- Renamed the new version of Corona to Syzygy
- Renamed the new version of Jumpgate to Astral Gate
- Renamed the new version of Jumpgate: Teleport To to Ad Astra
- Renamed the new version of Moonlight Ray to Lunar Ray
- Renamed the new version of Searing Light to Solar Light
- Renamed the new version of Shadow Blast to Shadow Burst
- Renamed the new version of Starfall to Dark Star
- Renamed the new version of Totality to Occultation
- Renamed the new version of Twilight Surge to Twilight Pulse
- Increased minimum pitch of Lunar Ray sounds
- Increased minimum pitch of first Shadow Blast sound
- Increased minimum pitch of first Solar Light sound
- Increased volume of Occultation sound
- Harbinger:
- Bug fix: Particles for Channel Fire, Channel Cold, and Cyclone are no longer lost on save/load
- Bug fix: Cyclone particles now disappear if it is completely unlearned
- Added "HARBINGER_" to talents' internal names to reduce the chance of addon conflicts
- Capped all talent radii at 10
- Arc now attacks monsters in order of how many arc steps it took to reach them, with ties broken randomly
- Arc now has a safeguard against stack overflows when attacking extremely long chains of monsters (chains shorter than 127 monsters are unaffected, so it can still hit over 16,000 monsters)
- Reduced the effect of Chill
- Adjusted scaling of Countershock's cooldown with talent level, nerfing it at talent level 2+
- Reduced Cremate's heal by 70% but removed its once-per-turn restriction
- Cremate no longer plays a sound
- Increased Cyclone's damage by 50%
- Made Electrical Disruption's cooldown scaling less extreme at low talent levels
- Electrical Disruption now plays its sound at the user's location instead of the target's
- Reduced the number of effects removed by Electrical Disruption
- Halved Flashover damage.
- Reduced Flashover radius (matches new Storm Conduit radius)
- Foreshock's sound now has randomized speed
- Reduced the amount of evasion given by Megathrust
- Changed Mist's life regeneration to scale with talent level only (not mindpower), but increased its healing modifier bonus. This also fixes the snapshotting bug with the life regeneration
- Reduced the amount of physical power given by Mountain Mover (now that weapon masteries give less)
- Storm Conduit's radius now scales with talent level
- Storm Conduit's sound now has randomized speed
- Greatly reduced Storm Conduit damage, due to Cremate now being able to trigger it multiple times per turn
- Reduced the effect of Suppressing Fire, especially at low talent levels
- Vortex's sound now has randomized speed
- Reduced the number of effects removed and wards given by Torrent
- Lich:
- Due to 1.6 inscription changes making undead MUCH less bad, this race had to be nerfed a lot.
- Increased experience penalty from 0% to 20%
- Removed stun immunity (farewell consistency with NPC liches)
- Reduced life rating from 10 to 8
- Absorb Essence now recovers steam
- Ancient Knowledge's Infinite Dungeon hack revised to be monotonic (going from slightly below effective talent level 10 to slightly above it no longer makes the talent worse)
- Reduced the crit shrug chance on the Lich talent by about 28%
- Reduced the Cunning-based saves on the Lich talent by 1/3
- Zephyr:
- Bug fix: Recharge now uses callbackOnDealDamage, fixing e.g. 0 damage hits providing mana
- No longer starts in Angolwen because Abashed Expanse is obnoxious
- Self-targeting with Lightning Phase now gives Stormshield instead of Elemental Surge: Lightning (which was similar to Stormshield before 1.6), with a threshold of 0.01 and a small number of charges
- Greatly reduced the flat damage reduction from Static Shield
- Storm Infusion is now passive
- Reduced Sylph's damage avoidance chance
- No longer has Spell/Phantasm or modifies its talents; starts with Disperse Magic instead of Illuminate
- No longer alters Chain Lightning or Thunderstorm
- For consistency with vanilla, the Mobile Defense talent no longer applies to the Feather Wind defense bonus (only relevant in combination with other third-party addons)
- The Storm Fury artifact no longer grants Storm Archery mastery

Class+Race Pack 1.7.4

Smarter Rest 1.7.6


Rest becomes smarter:
1.Related resources will gain +2 regen after 15+ turns. This works only if you can regen those resources.
2.Rest on world map will charges Rod of Recall 10x faster after 15 turns.
3.Rest now checks talent cooldown with resources together, instead of the original two step rest.
4.Rest will take auto-use talent cooldown into consideration, rest won't stop until all auto-use talent has became off cooldown once.
5.Add a new auto-talent mode: auto-use when rest for resources. Talent in this mode will only auto-use if your resources are not full and you're resting.
6.Tweak the automatic use of medical salve, salves will not be auto-used if any of your injectors is cooling down.
7.Disable talent available log during rest.

Smarter Rest 1.7.6

Effective Talent Scaling 1.7.4

Changes some talents that use raw levels for no apparent reason to use effective levels instead. Affected talents include:
Wildfire/Cleansing Flames (effect removal chance)
Water/Shivgoroth Form (winter storm level)
Ice/Uttercold (iceblock pierce)
Meta/Spellcraft (damage avoidance chance)
Explosive Admixtures/Explosion Expert (damage multiplier)
Doomed's Shadows (shadow mage spell levels, shadow warrior talent levels)
Hateful Whisper (spread limit)
Oozemancer and Summoner summons (talent levels)
Battle Tactics/Step Up (speed gain chance)
Feedback/Amplification (max feedback)

Effective Talent Scaling 1.7.4

Class: Fallen 1.7.0

Fallen has been added to the base game as an evolution for Sun Paladins

This addon contains the original version, a base class afflicted/celestial hybrid.

Fallen are unlocked alongside Sun Paladins.
If you want to skip straight to it, I recommend using: https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/ignore-raceclass-locks

Please report any bugs on the forum thread.

This class is originally inspired by the enemies John and Aluin, Afflicted Sun Paladins.

Fallen have a mix of old and new trees.
Enemies do not generate with Fallen talents.

Celestial Combat
Gloom (locked, level 0)
Bloodstained: By making bloody attacks, increase your positive energy.
Darkside: Consume positive energy for attacks and mobility.
Shadows of Suffering (locked, level 10): Use your shadows for defense and control.
Crimson Templar (locked, level 10): Magical abilities that manipulate bleeding and the battlefield.
Black Sun (locked, level 10): Celestial attacks using gravity.

Celestial Light
Cursed Aura
Self-Hatred: Spend life for Hate and power.
Dirges: Useful songs in the style of Chants and Hymns.

Class: Fallen 1.7.0

Audiomancy 1.7.4

Version 1.2.1 released Jan 16, 2023; see change notes.

Audiomancy is an audio enhancement for ToME that does not affect music. It started with the High Quality Sounds mod (thanks to Gurkoz), but it does a bit more than replace sounds. It enhances the code introducing random variance, layering, and new trigger points. Weapon types (sword, great axe, mace, sling, bows, etc.) have distinct sounds in combat, along with NPC types having different impact sounds. Many weapons have distinct critical hit sounds as well. Ranged weapons have separated attack and hit sounds. Melee and ranged talents you would have expected to produce sound before likely will with this mod. Multiple hits trigger multiple sounds, e.g. the Volley talent. There is still more to do, especially in terms of providing distinct sound effects for various game mechanics and talents, but the code as-is will affect almost every sound played in the game while adding more. I attempted to maximize compatibility, replacing a single function and using superloading and hooking for the rest.

Feel free to reach out to me with any issues you discover or ideas/suggestions you may have on Steam or at theclawhorn@protonmail.com.

Credits: https://pastebin.com/xirEZ2FY

Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2805820365

PS: Somehow the website tags got duplicated and I'm unable to edit them.

Version 1.2.1:
Fixed the attackTarget hook (thank you to "Chief of Kilimanjaro" and "purpel frog" in the ToME Discord); it now properly returns two values. This should fix various misc issues, anything dependent on the second return value.
Also cleaned up a few stray typo semicolons (the consequences of switching between multiple programming languages) which may or may not have been causing other various and possibly undiscovered issues.

Version 1.2.0:
Reduced volume of the universal crit sound layer and blade crits.
Added "Audiomancy Addon Options" to the main game menu - enable/disable the unique critical hit sound for each weapon type,
along with the universal critical sound layer ("gong" sound) that plays overtop any ranged or melee critical hit.
Misc small fixes/tweaks.

Version 1.1.0:
Added custom sounds for steamsaws.
Improved custom sounds for blade weapons & tridents.
Distinct critical hit sound added for blade weapons.
Changed/improved "crystal" impact sounds, made less longwinded & obnoxious (e.g. when attacking shivogoroths.)
Corrected the horror impact sound mappings.
Tried to balance overall volume, some sounds were too loud relative to others.
Improved memory usage & got rid of Entity:loadList injection.
Re-organized Audiomancy files so new data paths are obvious.

Audiomancy 1.7.4

Interact with Sidekicks 1.7.0

Provides an interface to interact with party members similar to the Interact with the Golem talent, by which yo ucan alter their equipment or spend their talent points. Also adds additional functionality like applying a rune or infusion directly to a party member, or managing its talent point plan in conjunction with the Talent Point Planner addon. The interaction dialog is bound to Alt-Shift-I by default, and can also be accessed by right-clicking on a suitable party member on the map or via the "Interact with Party Members" action on the main game menu.

(NOTE: If you are using this addon in conjunction with the Talent Point Planner addon, you will need to upgrade the latter to release 10.8.3 or higher for compatibility. Similarly, if you are using this addon with the ZOmnibus Addon Pack or ZOmnibus Lite, you will need to upgrade it to release 17.2.3 or higher for compatibility.)

Interact with Sidekicks 1.7.0

Gnomes 1.7.2

Adds gnomes as a new race. They are a distant relative to dwarves and know the location of the Iron Council.

Garden Gnomes have nature skills, but are not necessarily antimagic.
Ensorcelled Gnomes have magic skills.
Tinker Gnomes have tinkers. (only available if you have Embers DLC enabled)
Iron Gnomes have strength and constitution skills. (only available if you have Embers DLC enabled)
Cursed gnomes have hate skills.
Shady gnomes have cunning skills.


All gnomes get:
A second tool slot. (Most tools share a cooldown so it's not amazing to have a second one, but can save your butt by not having to equip a different tool in combat.)
Two generic trees. (If your class also has that tree then you get that tree at +0.3 talent level.)
An extra generic talent point every 10th level.
Special alchemist golems.
size_category = 1, the smallest
life_rating = 9, second lowest tied with halflings
Experience penalty: 10%

Garden gnomes
Stat modifiers: +2 Willpower, +2 Cunning

Generic Trees:
Wild-Gift / Call of the Wild
Wild-Gift / Fungus

These trees add a huge amount of survivability.

Ensorcelled gnomes
Stat modifiers: +2 Magic, +2 Cunning

Generic Trees:
Spell / Divination
Spell / Staff Combat

Cursed gnomes
Stat modifiers: +2 Willpower, +2 Cunning

Generic Trees:
cursed/cursed-aura (optional)

Shady gnomes
Stat modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Cunning

Generic trees:
Cunning / Scoundrel
Cunning / Lethality

Tinker gnomes
Only available if you have Embers DLC.

Stat modifiers: +4 Cunning

Generic Trees:
Steamtech / Physics
Steamtech / Chemistry

They also start with the steam resource, a steam generator implant, and medical injector implants in inventory if you want to go that route.

Iron gnomes
Only available if you have Embers DLC.

Stat modifiers: +2 Cunning, +2 Strength

Generic Trees:
Technique / Conditioning
Steamtech / Blacksmith

Gnomish alchemist golems

Class Trees:
Technique / Shield Offense
Golem / Fighting
Golem / Arcane
Spell / Enhancement

Generic Trees:
Technique / Conditioning
Technique / Thuggery

All skill trees are are locked and have x1.00 multiplier (instead of x1.30).

--Starting points
2 category points.
2 stat points.
1 class point.
1 generic point.

--Level up points
2 stat points every level.
1 class point every other level.
1 generic point every 4th level.
1 category point at level 20.
1 category point at level 34.

But wait, there's more!

In addition to the normal golem slots of MAINHAND, OFFHAND, BODY, and 2 GEM slots, gnomish alchemist golems also get LITE, HEAD, CLOAK, HANDS, BELT, and FEET slots.

Additionally for tinker gnomes:
Your golem can equip tinkers too!
Your golem can use steamsaws, but you probably want to equip the golem with a steam generator.
Steamsaw Mastery is included in Golem Power for tinker gnomes.
Your golem can use both runes and implants.

There is not much new here. The goal of gnomes is to add more race variety.

A good amount of the gnomish alchemist golem changes were inspired by the "Golem - The Ironbreaker" addon.

The intent with the golems is to have a fun variant and potentially more useful in the mid and late game, and it fits with the gnome theme of cunning and tools.

I'm aware there is another addon named "Let there be gnomes" which was last updated in 2015, but this addon has nothing to do with it. Having never tried that addon I have no idea if there would be compatibility issues if you loaded them both (if you even could load a race addon that hasn't been updated in 6 years /shrug).

- v1.0.0 Initial release of tinker, garden, and ensorcelled gnomes.
- There is an issue with tinker gnome alchemist where using the "interact with golem" interface can duplicate tinkers. Auto-swap tinkers doesn't work correctly on the golem either. I'm not sure how to fix this...
- Not a bug with this addon: demonologist tinker slots and demon slots don't play well together. The problem is not specific to the gnomes addon.
- v1.0.1 Fixed the Ensorcelled Gnomes spell/utility tree so it is properly disabled when silenced.
- v1.0.2 Fixed some copy/paste errors between v1.0.0 and v.1.0.1.
- v1.1.0 Updated init.lua and put the long description on the Gnomes addon page. Added the Cursed gnomes.
- v1.1.1 Changed the overload of golemancy to a superload, which is a better way to do it. (Thanks FL0RENT_.)
- v2.0.0 I read somewhere on the forums where DarkGod said that class trees shouldn't be given to races, so I took out class trees. Gave gnomes a second tool slot and +2 Cun. Bumped life per level a little. Added Shifty gnomes.
- v2.0.1 Since they are cousins to dwarves, give them the same life rating. (Gnomes were way too squishy.) And remove the exp penalty because gnomes are definitely not OP.
- v2.0.2 Added Iron Gnomes. Added the trees they get to their descriptions in the class selection so you have an idea of what you're getting before you choose them.
- v2.0.3 Fix iron gnomes stat description, set starting steam generator and injectors on tinker gnome to be marked for transmutation, and take out safety net lines that prevent classes that don't start with golem from learning golemancy.

Gnomes 1.7.2

Infinite Mastery 1.7.4

Increases the mastery value increase to 0.4, and removes the 1 increase limit. Originally made by jojolagger, I only bumped up addon weight so it can work with my addon collection with online profile on.

Infinite Mastery 1.7.4

Sidekick Level Catch-up 1.6.0

Modifies various player sidekicks (Alchemists' golem, Writhing Ones' worm that walks from the Forbidden Cults DLC, Annihilators' mecharachnid from the Embers of Rage DLC) to synchronize their level with the player's level every time they are re-added to map, in case the player gained a level while the sidekick dead.

(Disclaimer: The failure of sidekicks to do this in the base game is believed to be a bug; if said bug is fixed in a future version, this addon will be officially deprecated.)

Sidekick Level Catch-up 1.6.0

Schematic Recycling 1.6.6

Undoes a small change in release 1.1.5 of the Embers of Rage DLC, allowing schematics to once again be transmogrified via the Transmogrification Chest or melted down in the Automated Portable Extractor.

Schematic Recycling 1.6.6

Necro NegLife+ 1.7.2

Makes a couple of tweaks to Necromancer to make it less prone to accumulating disproportionate amounts of positive life, thus helping its 0-life threshold gimmicks retain relevance:

Blurred Mortality now converts half of your maximum life bonus from Constitution to negative death threshold, retroactively. This is a relatively minor change, but it will at least stop Constitution from giving a greater proportion of positive life to negative life per point at high levels.

Lichform will convert half of the maximum life you gain from levelling up after transforming to negative death threshold (non-retroactively). Instead of drastically increasing the proportion of positive life to negative life to the point where the latter is practically dwarfed and never encountered outside of extreme situations, Lichform will now cause you to break perfectly even, and in most cases will in fact slow the rate at which you gain positive life. (Credit to GlassGo on the forums for suggesting this behaviour!)

These tweaks will likely cause some level of disruption to Necromancer's power balancing, so any feedback given on the forums towards further polishing would be appreciated. Enjoy!

Necro NegLife+ 1.7.2

Forbidden Cults 1.7.4

Official Expansion!

Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind.
Lately the number of sightings of horrors have grown tremendously. People wander off the beaten paths only to be found years later, horribly mutated and partly insane, if they are found at all. It is becoming evident something is stirring deep below Maj'Eyal.
That something is you.

Forbidden Cults is a big expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal to let you explore the horrors that lurk beneath the surface, to delve in long lost knowledge and lore and as usual to die a lot!

Ursucede Id Entare the level 17 Cursed Gnome Adventurer by Beyyy23 (1)
Forbidden Cults makes two new classes available to play:

  • Writhing One: Give in to the corrupting forces and turn yourself gradually into an horror, summon horrors to do your bidding, shed your skin and melt your face to assault your foes. With your arm already turned into a tentacle, what creature can stop you?
  • Cultist of Entropy: Using its insanity and control of entropic forces to unravel the normal laws of physic this caster class can turn healing into attacks and call upon the forces of the void to reduce its foes to dust.

Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.

Ursucede Id Entare the level 17 Cursed Gnome Adventurer by Beyyy23 (2)
Forbidden Cults makes two new races available to play:

  • Drem: A corrupt subrace of dwarves, that somehow managed to keep a shred of sanity to not fully devolve into mindless horrors. They can enter a frenzy and even learn to summon horrors.
  • Krog: Ogres transformed by the very thing that should kill them. Their powerful attacks can stun their foes and they are so strong they can dual wield any one handed weapons.

Ursucede Id Entare the level 17 Cursed Gnome Adventurer by Beyyy23 (3)
Forbidden Cults adds many new zones for you to explore and die in:

  • Kroshkkur: An ancient Sher'tul Fortress laying half in ruins that serves as a focal point, and home, for all kinds of creatures seeking lost knowledge.
  • The Maggot: A huge living corrupted worm about to destroy Kroshkkur! Teleport inside and save your sanctuary of horrors!
  • The Godfeaster: Deep undergroud the ground shakes as ... -- redacted by corrupt forces --
  • The Scourge Pits: On the south of the Iron Throne lays a fool pit of ... -- redacted by corrupt forces --
  • Forbidden Tomes: Find special artifact books of ancient lore. But, read at your own peril, for the story they tell may very well suck you in... quite literally.
    Maybe you will even find The One That Writes...
  • Occult Egress: A strange, extremely old, contraption of unknown origin. It seems to require some kind of code sequence to activate. Maybe you will find some during your adventures?
  • The Entropic Void: So you think you are strong? Powerful? Invulnerable? In the end, entropy always wins, as you will learn...

Ursucede Id Entare the level 17 Cursed Gnome Adventurer by Beyyy23 (4)
What would an expansion about horrors be without a bunch of new horrors to torment you with? Please give a warm welcome to:

  • Searing Horrors: You liked luminous horrors? You loved radiant horrors? You will absolutely adore their searing big brothers!
  • Nethergates: It sleeps. Maybe it should stay that way.
  • Netherworms: Vampiric worm masses that are bound to tickle your fancy! And tickle hard.
  • Fearful Symmetry: Geometry has never been so lively!
  • Entropic Shards: Take an entropic crystal, shatter it with tentacles. And die.
  • : And more ...

Ursucede Id Entare the level 17 Cursed Gnome Adventurer by Beyyy23 (5)
"DarkGod, is that all?" Obviously not! You will also find your usual addition of:

  • Lore: Delve into the dark forgotten secrets of the world, where sanity is a very tenuous idea.
  • Artifacts: Discover new objects of power and use them to further your own goals.
  • New wyrmic tree: Unlock the scourge drake for your wyrmics.
  • Glass Golem: Unlock the glass golem option for your alchemists.
  • Events: Discover new strange contraptions in familiar zones. What could go wrong?
  • Achievements: Because there can never be enough!

Forbidden Cults 1.7.4

Outlander 1.7.4

Adds Outlander as a playable human subrace, he has VERY UNIQUE talents.
T1: learn skills from killed enemies with the cost of some exp.
T2: better chance to get egos on random items.
T3: control an enemy by paying money.
T4: boost player's rank.

v1.0.10: now it costs 100% - 20% current xp if you want to learn a talent from an enemy.

Outlander 1.7.4

Modify Prodigies 1.7.4

Modify some prodigies, empower outdated prodigies, adjust overpowered ones and introduce new ones.

Modify Prodigies 1.7.4

Doctornull's Classes Reloaded 1.7.4

Contains some new hybrid classes: Ascetic, Blood Mage, Creep, Flenser, Striker, Gravitic Infantry, Storm Warden, Transcendent Fist, Vector, and a few others.

Details & discussion here:

Yakri: I'm making a couple changes suggested in the mod thread, and testing for errors/incompatibilities in current version of TOME.
I don't actually know any lua, so we'll see how much I can actually get done.

All credit goes to Null, and FailPail for creating the creepfix.

Added Techniques/Combat Veteran to transcendent Fist.

Doctornull's Classes Reloaded 1.7.4

Possessor Bonus Class 1.7.4

Donators/Buyers bonus!

Possessor Bonus Class 1.7.4

Recaiden's Evolution Prodigies 1.7.0

Includes 4 new Class Evolutions:

  • Doomed: Hollow - Merge almost completely with your shadows. If you have the original version of Fallen, they can also become Hollow.
  • Archer: Zephyr - Lightning-using Arcane Blade at range.
  • Temporal Warden: Warp Rider - melee-only specialist.
  • (requires Forbidden Cults DLC) Writhing One: Gourmand - This evolution expands the Slow Death tree with a 'Possessor-lite' effect. You can keep the talents you've eaten forever (3 at a time).

Isn't Zephyr already a class?
Yes. https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/qlass-pack But it's plenty different, and lacks a lot of what makes Archer itself.

Recaiden's Evolution Prodigies 1.7.0

Cleaner Item Descriptions 1.7.0

This is a fork of Better Item Descriptions that simply makes the tooltip larger and uses long phrases instead of abbreviations.
It also works with zOmnibus's Inscription Compare feature.
- sorts all stats by category
- item's passive power always the same blue color
- item's usable power - always yellow
- all rarity categories are displayed
- encumbrance value moved to the right under item name
- "on hit" powers always green
- "Stats" have an orange highlight and placed before others

If you hold ALT before mousing over an item, you can see its vanilla description.

If you ask what part of a description means, everyone gets to laugh at you.

However, feel free to suggest better phrasing.

Cleaner Item Descriptions 1.7.0

Dungeon Spawn 1.7.4

Places unplayable staring dugeons on map. Allowing all 4 extra dungeons. Unlocking Yeek island. And lasty placing all extra cities on map.

Dungeon Spawn 1.7.4

Schrödinger's Lore (Mark 2) 1.7.0

Arranges for various sequential lore to be learned in sequence, independent of the order of lore object discovery.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What's the difference between Schrödinger's Lore and Schrödinger's Lore (Mark 2)? Can I use both?
  • What was wrong with the original Schrödinger's Lore, and why not fix it instead of making a new addon?
  • But what if I have characters using the original Schrödinger's Lore? Will installing Mark 2 break them?
  • What lore is actually affected by this addon?

Schrödinger's Lore (Mark 2) 1.7.0

Multi Evolutions Fork 1.7.4

Allows Adventurer to take any class evolution prodigy and adds an option that allows any class to take multiple evolutions.
This is yet another fork of pisastrish's mod (https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/evolve_adven1).
There is only a small change so that it checks for the adventurer class instead of the subclass.
It should affect both the adventurer, wanderer and other adventurer subclasses added by addond (wanderer3in1 for instance)

Do not use with another version of the same addon, they are not compatible with eachother.

Multi Evolutions Fork 1.7.4

Points, Horrific Points 1.7.4

Guarantees rewards from The Place Which Does Not Exist (PWDNE) by giving points for passing each level. Entering level 1 grants a class point, entering level 2 while knowing the first lore piece grants a generic point, entering level 3 while knowing the first and second pieces of lore grants a category point, and the first entry into the Home Which Is Not while knowing all three lore pieces grants you a prodigy point.

Points, Horrific Points 1.7.4

astralInferno's Celestial Oddities 1.7.6

A combination of all my celestial addons; Firmamancer, Primal Chosen, Trench Strider, Radiant, the Empyreal fork, and the newly added Bloodtide Cultist.

astralInferno's Celestial Oddities 1.7.6

Arcanum Class Pack 1.7.3

Primary Features:
Two new Archmage style classes; Arcanist and Elementist.
One new Enchanter class.
Some extra talents for Alchemist.
Lots of new artifacts.
Artifact gems are more interesting to attach to golems.
Crystal Focus/Heart items can be deconstructed to recover the gem.
Angolwen Academy: Get training in the Arcane here.
3 new runes.
Two new item types with unique egos: Ritual Blades and Wardstones.

Arcanist Features:
Like Archmage, but also starts with temporal, meta and nightfall unlocked, and no elemental categories.
Has two unique categories; High magic and Void magic.
Can also unlock Illusion, Distortion, Power and Morph.

Elementist Features:
Like Archmage, but only elemental categories.
Has three unique categories; Elementalism, Corrupted Elements and Elemental Fusion.

Enchanter Features:
Apply a variety of enchantments to your equipment.
Dabble in safe and unsafe hedge magic.
Defeat monsters with your prowess with a staff.

Archmage Features:
1 new category containing 8 arcane/elemental combo spells.

Alchemist Features:
Altered Alchemists Guild quest.
Two new unique categories: Poison Alchemy and Metal Alchemy.
They also get access to Mana Alchemy and Herbalism.

Arcanum Class Pack 1.7.3

Campaign Uncapper 1.4.2

Unlocks the max level for Campaign, scaling all dungeons and bosses accordingly.

To be precise, this makes all dungeons in the game scale based on YOUR level, instead of a pre-set value.
This essentially makes the game free-form. Go for that Level 1 Dreadfell run!

(Note that bosses still have a minimum level. The Master for example will always be in the 20's at the minimum.)

Campaign Uncapper 1.4.2

Augmented Mobility Grants Telekinetic Grasp 1.7.6

Learning a talent in the Augmented Mobility category will now grant Telekinetic Grasp just like it used to.

Augmented Mobility Grants Telekinetic Grasp 1.7.6

ZOmnibus Addon Pack 1.7.4

Combines several smaller utility addons, both for convenience and potentially reduced resource usage on smaller machines.

    Includes the following addons:

    • Notes to Self
    • Timed Rest
    • Talent Point Planner
    • Opt-in Adventurers Parties
    • Inventory Show All Tabs By Default (thru v12d)
    • Tier-1 Short Circuit Option
    • "Save" Talent/Stat Points
    • Use Item Shortcuts (as of v5)
    • Auto-Transmo Gems (as of v5)
    • Online Indicator (v6a thru v13d.3)
    • Inventory Sort Order (as of v7)
    • Store Wish List (as of v8)
    • Inventory Keys (as of v8)
    • Alternate Zones Option (as of v10)
    • Go to Landmark (as of v11)
    • Enhanced Object Compare (as of v12)
    • Enhanced Wield Replace (as of v14)
    • Pragmatic Heroism (as of v14b)
    • Prodigious Progress (as of v14c)
    • Savefile Notes (as of v15)
    • Item Notes (as of v15)
    • Passive Cooldowns (as of v15)
    • Low Health Popup (as of v15)
    • Restart Sustains (as of v15)
    • Effects Under Actors (as of v16)
    • Juggle Hotkeys on Unwield (as of v16)
    • Longer Character Names (as of v16)
    • Das BLinkenlights (as of v16)
    • Wall Clock (as of v16)
    • Curse Levels (as of v17)
    • Displacement Tracking (as of v17)
    • Examine Floor Stack (as of v17)
    • Verbose Crystal Resonance (as of v17)
    • Golem Gender (as of v17)
    • Self-Portrait Over Grass (as of v17)
    • Semi-Roguelike Mode (as of v17)
    • Menu Keys (as of v17)
    • Reflected Golem (as of v17)
    • Roguelike Keybindings (as of v17)
    • Tooltip Cleanup (as of v17)
    • Time Shield Tracking (as of v17)
    • Alchemist Notifications (as of v17)
    • Don't Summon While Meditating (as of v17)
    • Herald of the Herald (as of v17)
    • Roguelike Chat Guard (as of v17)
    • Sword-n-Boardin' (as of v17)
    • Plot Disarming (as of v17)

    A superset of ZOmnibus Lite.

      Frequently Asked Questions:

      • What's the difference between ZOmnibus and ZOmnibus Lite? Can I use them both together?
      • What game options does ZOmnibus provide to configure its behavior? (updated for v16)

      ZOmnibus Addon Pack 1.7.4

      Pre-Paid Hiemal Shield 1.7.0

      If you capture a soul via Soul Leech while you are at maximum soul capacity and your Hiemal Shield is depleted, allows you to store the soul in a temporary Hiemal Buffer to be used to pay the soul cost the next time your Hiemal Shield regenerates (normal mana costs still apply).

      Pre-Paid Hiemal Shield 1.7.0

      Nekarcos's Quality of Life 01: Effect Display 1.7.5

      This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
      This pack improves visibility of status effects by adding particles to certain effect types (such as "dizzy stars" for stuns and confusions, or green bubbles for poisons).
      Background: It is otherwise difficult to tell if or when certain effects procced or not, and it is also kind of obnoxious having to check each and every enemy for whether they're affected by something or not.
      Stability: Very High

          • Features can be toggled in: "(Menu)" > "Game Options" --> "[Nekarcos]"

      Nekarcos's Quality of Life 01: Effect Display 1.7.5

      Visible Cloud Caller 1.7.0

      Adds a display effect to Cloud Caller's storm effect, similar to the Thunderstorm spell.

      Visible Cloud Caller 1.7.0

      Items Vault 1.7.6

      Donators/Buyers bonus!

      Items Vault 1.7.6

      Adventurer Mastery 1.7.2

      Changes the mastery of the Adventurer's talents to 1.3 and gives it 1 more category point, 2 extra talents points and 2 extra generics.

      Now, there are quite a few addons that do similar things, however they tend to overwrite the adventurer birth data, making them incompatible with other changes to the class.

      This addon should be compatible with either :

      Slightly More Adventurous :

       - https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/adven_addon - allows adventurer to use talents from classes that don't spawn on randbosses - still checks race/class compatibility so stonewarden talents are only for dwarf and undead cant get wilder talents

      Much More Adventurous :
      - temporarily incompatible (use previous version of this addon instead)

       - https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/every_tree - allows the adventurer to use every talents, including monster only and debug talent trees. - tends to have issues with classes from other addons due to the way it loads their data. 

      Improved Adventurer :

       - https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/Improved_Adventurer - my own adventurer skill addon. - allows the adventurer to use talents from every race and class, including locked ones and those normaly incompatible with your character. - use this one if you use addons that add new classes/races and want their talents on an adventurer 

      Note : use only one of those three. They are not compatible with eachother

      Adventurer Mastery 1.7.2

      Embers of Rage 1.7.4

      Official Expansion!

      One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the "Scourge from the West" came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdoms, now linked by farportal to their distant, long-lost Sunwall allies, have helped them conquer most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the ravaged Prides are caged... but one Pride remains. Kruk Pride, isolated on an island, is the last orcish settlement that stands; they, too, face their impending doom. The Sunwall has blockaded the only exit point from the island, and now, the technologically advanced civilization of Steam Giants have come down from the mountains to take their homeland with machines and weaponry unlike anything else on Eyal. Kruk Pride has reverse-engineered their technology before; their only hope is to do it again and rise up against the Pride's foes.


      • Explore a whole new campaign from level 1 to 50, one year after the events of the original Tales of Maj'Eyal campaign. Liberate the Orcs (or die trying) by rising up against the Sunwall, the Steam Giants of Atmos, and other dangers that may lie in wait...
      • Play as one of three new races: the battle-hardened Orcs, the brutal Yetis, and the unstoppable Whitehooves. Discover their stories, their pains, their hopes... and their awesome racial powers!
      • Risk your life in over 20 unique zones! Explore the ruins of a lost city, lay siege to the Sunwall forces at the Gates of Morning, and raid the Steam Giants' mining quarry - each has its own unique foes and hazards, leading each to feel and play different from the others.
      • Play as one of the four new tinker classes: Gunslingers, Sawbutchers, Psyshots and Annihilators! Plus a class evolution: Technomancers! Crush and rend your foes with heavy metal, electrocute and immolate them with your gadgets, charge across the battlefield or nimbly strafe in style - each plays differently, and none provide any shortage of ways to slay your foes.
      • Master steam technology to build powerful tinkers to augment your equipment. Need to close in a bit quicker? Turn your boots into rocket boots! Having a hard time deciding whether to shoot someone or stab them? Build a Hand Cannon into your gloves, or deploy a Weapon Automaton to do the stabbing for you! If you have a problem, steamtech has a solution, usually involving explosions; with over 80 different powerful contraptions to craft, enjoy unparalleled versatility and trying something different with every playthrough.
      • Master the tactical uses of over 140 talents! Fire bouncing trick-shots and psychic-infused shots, use your steamsaws as shields or wheels, terrify your foes with long mechanical arms - there are no "boring" talents here, everything has its own special applications and properties!
      • Use advanced technology in the world of Eyal! Burrow through sand, plant bombs to destroy tunnels, and discover that you aren't alone in using it...
      • Infusions and runes are for puny humans; implant new medical injectors to pump an array of experimental chemicals into your body! Injectors can use any (infinitely reusable) salve in your inventory as long as they're off their cooldown, giving you versatility you've wished you could get with a couple of inscriptions.
      • Loot over 70 new and powerful artifacts. Pump lead into foes with big guns, quick guns, and explosive guns! Shred them with saws that maim, saws that thirst for blood, and saws that aren't really saws! Violate common sense by strapping a rocket to your back and calling it a jetpack!
      • Enjoy dying in horrible and exotic ways at the hands (or claws, jaws, guns...) of over 140 new creatures! Not mere piles of stats and chain-stuns, these foes will provide unique challenges - suffer the Sunwall's newest cosmic spells, the new breeds of ritches that infest and multiply, the Steam Giants' elaborate defense systems, and find new strategies to adapt to each!
      • Earn a trunkload of achievements! Have your accomplishments recognized for liberating the Orcish people, displaying exceptional mercy or cruelty, or showing your prowess with impressive feats! Give a boss a fate worse than death, show Sunwall forces how frustrating it is to fight a Radiant Horror as a paladin, come out on top against impossible odds, display a suicidal lack of situational awareness, and wear a badge of pride or shame for each!
      • Read roughly 27,000 words of new lore to immerse yourself in the world! Learn how things have changed since the Scourge's campaign, feel hatred and/or pity for your foes, uncover grand schemes and sinister plots, and notice the elaborate connections between Var'Eyal's numerous factions. Every zone has a story behind it, and every story ties into a bigger picture; enjoy a tale of horror and humor, of intrigue and glory, of despair and hope.
      • Earn the right to use the classic (and Ashes of Urh'Rok) classes in Embers of Rage, and the new tinker classes in Maj'Eyal! Play a Brawler in the East to fulfill your life-long dream of suplexing an entire nation of giants, or play a Sawbutcher in Maj'Eyal to shred through Dreadfell in a whirlwind of sawblades and steam!

      Embers of Rage 1.7.4

      Improved Combat Text v2 Custom Edit 1.7.5

      This is a custom edit of the "Improved Combat Text v2" mod. All credit for the original work goes to to the original mod by Codefly
      and credit for maintaining it up to v2 goes to LeoMaven
      This description is also shamelessly ripped from LeoMaven's page.

      This addon replaces ToME's floating combat text:
      - Shows the damage type (lightning, etc.) as icons or text!
      - Text moves in a consistent direction and should be much easier to read than ToME's default for a variety of reasons.
      - Can group damage for an entire player turn, or by every action taken - choose how much information you want to see!
      - Various font sizes to choose from
      - Various font coloring options (color by major damage type, use the default red / green, etc.)
      - Text duration can be changed to fit your play style.
      Icon credit for this addon goes to Lorc.

      The original addon is great, but I was always frustrated with the excessive amount of floating talent text and other garbage that just wasn't relevant to combat.
      All of the yellow lines drowned out the actual combat damage numbers and it made me not want to use it. This custom edit gives you an option in the settings area to disable this text, and it is off by default.

      * For Steam users: subscribe to this mod
      * From site: Download the '%mod_name%.teaa' file and copy them to Game Addon directory: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\TalesMajEyal\game\addons
      Check (or set) Auto: Active status on this mod in 'Addons' tab on start screen

      For Steam users: If you would like to remove this mod, you'll have to unsubscribe it's first from Steam and then delete the file named '%mod_name%.teaa' from C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\TalesMajEyal\game\addons
      From site: Delete the file named '%mod_name%.teaa' from C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\TalesMajEyal\game\addons

      or make it easy in game:
      On start screen: Open 'Addons' tab and select "Manual:Disabled" in %mod_name%
      That's all.

      If either of you want to just steal my code and put it in your addons that is completely fine with me.
      I don't really want to maintain this long term if I don't have to so feel free to just update your own stuff and let me know. I'll take my addon down if there is no reason for it to exist.

      Improved Combat Text v2 Custom Edit 1.7.5

      Rebalancing 1.3.0

      Places a significant damage malus on certain bosses that became absurdly over-deadly with the changes in versions 1.6 and 1.7. Affected bosses:

      • The Assassin Lord
      • Urkis
      • Subject Z
      • The Master
      • Rak'shor
      • Nessilla Tantaelen from Recaiden's The Hammer of Urh'Rok: Part I addon.

      Rebalancing 1.3.0

      Ignore Race/Class Locks 1.7.0

      Modifies the character creation dialog to bypass the lock check for races and classes, allowing characters to be created using locked races and classes. Doesn't actually unlock anything.

      Frequently Asked Questions:

      • Hey, the character creation dialog still says I have locked races/classes! What gives?
      • Will this prevent me from unlocking things?
      • The latest version of the game has a new locked race/class. Will I need a new version of this addon to access it?
      • What the heck is this Runic Golem thing?

      Ignore Race/Class Locks 1.7.0

      Improved Adventurer 1.7.4

      Allows adventurers to use talent trees from every classes and races, including those from addons.

      This addon is designed as a more "addon friendly" alternative to Much more Adventurous.
      (It doesn't, however, add the misc and legacy talents)

      It takes talents directly from the subclass/subrace list so it should :

      - Bypass race/class compatibility
      (Allowing Skeletons to take Wyrmic talents, or Cornacs to use those from the Stone Warden for instance.)

      - Take talents trees from NPC only classes/races
      (In the base game, that would be the two talent trees of the golem.)

      - Ignore the locks
      (Allowing Adventurers to use talent trees from classes you haven't unlocket yet, or things like Demented/Scourge Drake.)

      Additionally, "undead/lich", "Cursed/Cursed Aura" and talents from the Fallen Paladin can also be selected.

      Talents from the Technomancer and the Thaumaturgist dont work without their respective prodigy, so if you want them I recommend this addon : https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/evolve_adven1

      It should be compatible with most classes and races from other addons.

      Improved Adventurer 1.7.4

      Spell Merchants 1.7.6

      Celestial, Chronomancy, Corruptions, Cunning, Cursed, Gifts, Psionic, Spells, Techniques, Demented, Steamtech, Annihilator & Technomancer!

      Ursucede Id Entare the level 17 Cursed Gnome Adventurer by Beyyy23 (6)

      Stat, Class, Category & Prodigy points for sale!

      Imbue (ANY) jewelry, armor & weapons that are in the game including rares/epics/uniques! And imbue them as many times with as many different gems as you [strike] want [/strike] can afford!

      Ursucede Id Entare the level 17 Cursed Gnome Adventurer by Beyyy23 (7)

      3 new dungeons have been added to the world map [with more to come] (Blood Soaked Ruins, Infested Ruins & Road to Derth) these dungeons will have unique boss and lore spawns.

      There are 8 new bosses that will spawn in the new dungeons (they will also spawn in Infinite Dungeon) *Bosses will drop gold on death*

      2. Dialog to purchase spells wont appear unless you have the required amount of gold.

      3. DLC is NOT required to play this addon, talents that require a dlc will be clearly noted next to the talent, if you don't own a dlc and try to purchase a dlc talent the gold will be removed but the talent wont be acquired.

      4. Will conflict with any mods that change the world map file (eyal.lua) *The only currently known conficting mod* is \"Extra Dungeons\"

      If you like this addon please show your support by hitting that thumbs up button! I've currently spent 200+ hrs making this mod. Positive acknowledgement is much appreciated! If you dislike the mod please comment so I can understand why and possibly make improvements.

      Ursucede Id Entare the level 17 Cursed Gnome Adventurer by Beyyy23 (8)

      1.0.1 - I added a notpade file in the addon folder that lists the merchants locations. OUTDATED please check here for current merchant/dungeon locations: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1715322131/1737760931657802109/
      1.1.0 - There is now a new npc that can train your stat points... now to work on the class points.
      1.1.1 - Mulfar can now train you, in stat or class points.
      1.2.0 - I added 2 more new npcs to the map (adriel & atakesa) that will be future merchants, they have no dialog. I added them to avoid having to start a new game everytime I add a new merchant, now I can just update their dialog and it should be seamless. Merchants have been given random spawns (2 locations each) the merchant locations notepad has been updated.
      1.2.1 - Updated dialog for: Asterius Gaomant, Nagareth, Mulfar & Tarelion giving them unique dialog and color coded things to make it easier on the eyes & lowered some of the prices, also added new npc "master jeweler"
      1.2.2 - Balanced the prices for revealing locked talent categories, most are now only 100 gold, also lowered Mulfar's prices by half (250 gold) and increased some other prices.
      1.3.0 - Pretty big update here! adriel can now teach nature summoning and wymic combat, atakesa can now teach combat and combat techniques mulfar can now give prodigy points. New npcs: corruptor & assassin added.
      1.3.5 - Some npcs will now have custom tilesets, added a npc for archery training (this will be the last npc added so this will be the last time you will need to restart if playing a previous version, this is basically in beta now. No more npcs will be added) I also balanced prices (removed the ability to reveal powerful spells to avoid an exploit where you could reveal the spell cheap then unlock it with a category point, necrotic minions & golemancy price increase, tarelion's prices decreased.)
      1.3.6 - Whew was this a tough one! Finally got imbueing to work! The master jeweler can now imbue jewelry, armor & weapons! With NO limitations! Yep you can imbue that rare item, oh... you already imbued an item?... Well you can imbue it again... and again and... well you get the point, but It'll cost ya! *Still need to add a noob friendly version that will only imbue white items (and only once) this version kinda got out of hand from my experimenting.... balancing will come later.
      1.4.0 - Lowered master jeweler prices, moved archery tree form Atakesa to Azari, Genchi can now teach rouge spells. Atakesa can now teach Physresist, Defense, Ranged Defense, Physical Crit, & Armour. Tarelion can now teach spellresist, mentalresist & spellcrit.
      1.4.2 - Soltar can now teach corruption and curses, added spell descriptions to dialog for Adriel, staves-store, Tarelion, Nagareth & Soltar to clarify what you're about to purchase.
      1.4.5 - (Restart recommended for 1.4.2 and lower) I added 2 npcs - Zemek - can teach chronomancy & psionic (spawns in angolwen) - Sun Paladin - can teach celestial (has a 'chance' to spawn in Derth, Elvala & Last Hope) everyones dialog has had major quality of life changes done (spell descriptions added & option to return to previous page) You wont need to start a new game if you're not interested in chronomancy & psionic spells for your current playthrough. Currently chronomancy is the only spell available this update, I will add dialog options for psionic & celestial within the next few days (the next update will be seamless and wont require a restart)
      1.4.7 - Zemek can now teach psionic spells, Sun Paladin can now teach celestial chants, Adriel can now teach stone warden & oozemancer spells...
      Aaaaand here we have it! This addon is now complete! It has all the spells and npcs I originally visioned (plus some!) No worries though! I still plan on adding more stuff in the future!
      1.5.0 - Adds 64 talents - 50 talents added from DLCs Orcs & Cults (2 talent trees Demented & Steamtech) & 14 overlooked talents. Soltar will now teach Demented talents, new npc Gurock added to sell Steamtech talents (he spawns at 26x41 & 63x45) and sun paladin's health has been increased. DLC is NOT required to play this addon!
      1.5.1 - 3 new dungeons & 8 new bosses have been added. Over time I will be adding more dungeons to explore and bosses to defeat! I also have plans to create new mobs and mob variations, create unique artifacts and eventually implement a quest system to reward you for defeating the new bosses (since quests are not yet implemented bosses will drop gold upon death. Big thanks to user Enemyz for his help writing the lore for wolfmire *note you will need to start a new game if on a previous version.
      1.5.5 - Updated for TOME 1.6 (fixed a sprite bug) *note a new game will need to be started for the bug fix to be applied.
      1.5.6 - Sun Paladin has been updated to include dlc celestial talents, his health has been further increased and he now has lightning immunity (to hopefully help him survive)
      1.6.0 Gurock will now sell the Automated Portable Extractor... I also made Zemek immune to lightning, so he can survive a certain event :)
      1.7.1 - The "Blood Soaked Ruins" are now fixed and will no longer crash your game or corrupt your save! ALL necromancer spells have been added to the Necromancer Merchant!
      1.7.2 - Fixed a bug where Gurock would teach you Arcane Dynamo the moment you touched him (you will now have to purchase it). Added the ability to buy the steam generator!
      1.7.3 - This update focuses on standardizing all merchant dialog!
      1.7.5 ~ I nudged Atakesa's spawn slightly to the SW so she will no longer block the Scourge Pits dungeon spawn.
      I removed the 'malleable body' talent because it no longer exists. not sure if they added a new Oozemancer Talent so, let me know if a talent is missing.
      The 'Lost merchant' encounter is now updated.
      I've made the map bigger in preparation for the coming updates (adding more dungeons to the map) to avoid cluttering it, I had to make the map bigger. (requires more tweaking)
      A new game will be necessary for this update to take effect.

      Next on my list:
      - A "god mode" version. ***Complete*** https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/godmode-merchant
      - An Infinite Dungeon version ***Complete*** https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/infinite-dungeon-merchants
      - A quest system for those who want to farm gold and explore new caves, fight new creatures experience new lore and more!

      If you like this addon please consider rating it :)

      Spell Merchants 1.7.6

      Perfect Perfection 1.7.4

      Modifies mastery and perfection egos to only roll from what you have unlocked and have at least 1 point in, to reduce useless rolls.

      Perfect Perfection 1.7.4

      Wilder Balance 1.7.4

      Balances a bit the Wyrmic and Stone Warden classes.


      Wyrmic is now a hybrid mindstar user and mindcaster class,
      they do not have the Shield Offense and Two Handed Combat trees,
      and their wild-gift weapon talents requires to have psiblades.

      Wyrmic do not need now physical power as apply power, just mindpower.
      It only needs Strength for some talents' damage.

      This addon does not interact with DLC contents.

      - starts with Cunning - Survival unlocked
      - starts with Wild-Gift - Mindstar Mastery unlocked

      - Wing Buffet now deals devouring fire damage, applies Wet, cooldown is lower
      - Bellowing Roar deals fireknockback damage + confusion, mindpower is apply power, cooldown is lower
      - Devouring Flame cooldown is lower
      - Fire Breath deals devouring fire damage, applies Wet, cooldown & eq cost lower
      (the Wet from these talents have a synergie with the Ice Claw & Ice Wall talents)

      - Ice Claw cooldown is lower
      - Icy Skin also gives iceblock pierce
      - Ice Breath cooldown & eq cost lower

      - Swallow deals physical damage, apply power is mindpower
      - Quake apply power is mindpower, cooldown is lower
      - Sand Breath cooldown & eq cost lower

      - Lightning Speed cooldown is lower, removed the colour & blur
      - Static Field cooldown & eq cost lower
      - Lightning Breath cooldown & eq cost lower

      - Corrosive Mist is now a shielding talent
      - Dissolve is now a radius 3 cone, lower cooldown, and disarming acid
      - Acid Breath cooldown & eq cost lower

      - Prismatic Slash is passive, inceasing the radius of Claw talents
      - Venomous Breath is passive, gives various poison effect to Breaths
      - Wyrmic Guile also gives Str mod to mindstars

      Stone Warden:

      - Deeprock is instant, lower cooldown

      - Eldritch Fury is a low cooldown spell projectile that deals damage according to Block value

      - Stone & Crystal Halves now cannot take life damage from the player (killing your own summons were bad...)
      - Stone Half instantly casts Stone Link when summoned (if knows it) (now it's a more reliable defense)

      - Shards sustain gives physical resistance (to have synergie with Mountainhewn)
      - Eldritch Stone is instant, lower cooldown, the shield can mind crit, gives base mana regen per turn

      - Rockwalk and Rockswallow are now teleports (you can have Out of Phase now), the heal and the damage can mind crit

      Wilder Balance 1.7.4

      Movarc'h's Improved Escorts - Bamboo + CH Edition 1.7.4

      Improvements to the escort system. Adds a bunch of new types of escorts, and increases the power and number of options for existing escorts. Additionally learning new categories unlocks them by default, or can improve your mastery if you already know them. Also gives escorts 1000 base Life and 100 base life regen so they don't die from a sneeze. This is a fork of Movarc'h's Impoved Escorts by mannendake. Credit to Disnag for necromancer escort and Movarc'h for the base addon. Also credits to Bamboo's fork.

      Movarc'h's Improved Escorts - Bamboo + CH Edition 1.7.4

      Merchant on the Map 1.7.0

      Places the Lost Merchant event on the map as a zone entrance rather than an undetectable encounter. A companion piece to Melinda on the Map; they can be used together or separately.

      Merchant on the Map 1.7.0

      Inferno Race Pack 1.7.0

      Adds a collection of my races.

      Inferno Race Pack 1.7.0

      Verdant Class Pack 1.7.2

      Content is modular and various sections can be disabled via the options.

      Primary Features
      Druid class:
      Uncast spells to produce nature based magical effects.
      Its an agile nature mage, but can be played as a fighter/mage hybrid, or as a summoner hybrid.
      Uses staves, alchemist gems and equilibrium.
      Werebeast Class:
      Werebeast fits somewhere between Cursed and Wyrmic, with a touch of Rogue thrown in.
      Flavour is you have been cursed by nature's hate at those who harm it.
      Can be played with conventional weapons or dual mindstars, stealthy or heavy.
      Uses both Hate and Equilibrium.
      Woodsman Class:
      Archery, Summoning and Traps.
      Use whatever you need to survive.
      A full rework is available.
      Allows you to command your critters to attack or defend.
      A few talents improved and many new categories.
      Loads of nature based artifacts.
      A few of new inscriptions.
      Oozemancer can get the Wild-gift/Symbiant category.

      Druid Info

      As Druid's use spells they cannot become a Zigur follower, as this would make all their talents unusable.
      However, you can still attempt to join Zigur, you might get something special instead.

      Wild-gift/Natural Cycles
      Wild-gift/Eyal's Embrace
      Spell/Staff Combat

      Werebeast Info

      Wild-curse/Wolf Aspect
      Wild-curse/Treant Aspect
      Wild-curse/Shark Aspect
      Wild-curse/Eagle Aspect
      Wild-curse/Ritch Aspect
      Wild-curse/Silent Hunter
      Wild-curse/Snake Aspect
      Wild-curse/Bear Aspect
      Wild-curse/Croc Aspect
      Wild-curse/Fungus Aspect

      Woodsman Info


      Summoner Info

      Two new summonable critters and revised summoning categories.

      New Categories:

      Wyrmic Info

      New Categories:
      Wild-gift/Sea Drake Aspect
      Wild-gift/Wind Drake Aspect
      Wild-gift/Wild Drake Aspect
      Chronomancy/Blink Drake Aspect
      Corruption/Blood Drake Aspect

      Talent changes:
      Lightning Speed now converts your damage to lightning for your next hit.
      Wing Buffet replaced with Ember Scales: a flamey aura sustain.

      Verdant Class Pack 1.7.2

      Ursucede Id Entare the level 17 Cursed Gnome Adventurer by Beyyy23 (2024)


      How do you get the gnome achievement? ›

      An achievement requires the Gnome, like in Episode Two, to be carried all the way to the rescue vehicle in the Dark Carnival campaign. Doing so gives the player the achievement "Guardin' Gnome" and unlocks the Rochelle's Depeche Mode t-shirt for the player's avatar on the Xbox 360 version.

      What is the code for the gnome in Pvz? ›

      The blank tiles show the position from which to enter the code. Assuming you've marked the blank-tiled ones in the images below, enter the icons in this order: pot, fence, boot, flamingo, watering can, shovel, lawn mower, and wheelbarrow. And voila! Pull the lever and have fun!

      How do you get a cursed weapon? ›

      Cursed Weapons can be unlocked in two ways :
      1. Some Cursed Weapons are dropped by defeated Champions when certain conditions are met.
      2. Others have to be bought from Weapon Sanctuaries.

      How many Gems do runes sell for? ›

      You should sell runes for gems. Filling your storages is easier than getting gems. edit: yes i understand that many people are not active enough to be selling runes, all i am saying is that technically it is optimal to sell them.

      What does cursed rune do? ›

      Overview. The Cursed Rune is a rune item that, upon use, teleports the player to a random location including some of the locations that had been removed. Like all other runes, it disappears once used. Because this is sold from The Stranger, the cost fluctuates.

      How do you get the gnome achievement in l4d2? ›

      In Left 4 Dead 2, he can be picked up by scoring over 750 points in the shooting gallery minigame at "The Fairgrounds" and must be taken all the way to the Rescue vehicle in "The Concert" to unlock the "GUARDIN' GNOME" achievement.

      How do you get the gnome lab CRK? ›

      The Sugar Gnome Laboratory is a building in the Kingdom where Sugar Gnomes can be sent to research various topics. It is unlocked when a player's Cookie Castle reaches Lv. 5. Completing research gives the player various overarching perks such as faster material production and increased stats for Cookies.


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      Name: Dong Thiel

      Birthday: 2001-07-14

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      Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.