Wavefront OBJ - Blender 4.2 Manual (2024)

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File ‣ Import/Export ‣ Wavefront (.obj)

OBJ format is a popular plain text format, however, it has only basic geometry and material support.


There is no support for armatures, lights, cameras, empty objects, parenting, or transformations.See Compatibility for more information.


Import geometry and curves to the OBJ format.

If there is a matching .MTL for the OBJ then its materials will be imported too.



Value by which to scale the imported objects in relation to the world’s origin.

Clamp Bounding Box

OBJ-files often vary greatly in scale, this setting clamps the imported file to a fixed size.

Forward Axis, Up Axis

Since many applications use a different axis for ‘Up’, these are axis conversion for these settings,Forward and Up axes – By mapping these to different axes you can convert rotationsbetween applications default up and forward axes.

Blender uses Y Forward, Z Up (since the front view looks along the +Y direction).For example, it’s common for applications to use Y as the up axis, in that case -Z Forward, Y Up is needed.


Split By Object

Import each OBJ “object name” group (o) as a separate object.

Split By Group

Import each OBJ “object name” group (g) as a separate object.

Vertex Groups

Import OBJ groups as vertex groups.

Validate Meshes

Check the imported mesh for corrupt data and fix it if necessary.When disabled, erroneous data may cause crashes displaying or editing the meshes.This option will make the importing slower but is recommended, as data errors are not always obvious.

Path Separator

Character used to separate an object’s name into a hierarchicalstructure using Collections.


Export geometry and curves to the OBJ format.


Include: Selected Only

Only export the selected objects. Otherwise export all objects in the scene.


Global scale to use on export.

Forward Axis, Up Axis

Since many applications use a different axis for ‘Up’, there are axis conversion settings,Forward and Up axis – By mapping these to different axis you can convert rotationsbetween applications default up and forward axis.

Blender uses Y Forward, Z Up (since the front view looks along the +Y direction).For example, its common for applications to use Y as the up axis, in that case -Z Forward, Y Up is needed.

Geometry Properties#

UV Coordinates

Write out the active UV layers coordinates from Blender.


Write out Blender’s face and vertex normals (depending on the faces smooth setting).

Mostly this isn’t needed since most applications will calculate theirown normals but to match Blender’s normal map textures you will need to write these too.


Write out the active vertex colors attribute layer, if present. Colors are exported in“xyzrgb” OBJ extension format.

Curves as NURBS

Write out NURBS curves as OBJ NURBS rather than converting to geometry.

Triangulated Mesh

Write out quads as two triangles. Some programs only have very basic OBJ support and only support triangles.

Apply Modifiers

Export objects using the evaluated mesh, meaning the resulting mesh after allModifiers have been calculated.


For properties that have different settings for the viewport/final render pick which is used for output.One example where this is important is the Subdivision Surface Modifier.


Use viewport properties.


Use final render properties.


Object Groups

Write out each Blender object as an OBJ object.


Note that as far as Blender is concerned there is no difference between OBJ Groups and Objects,this option is only included for applications that treat them differently.

Material Groups

Generate an OBJ group for each part of a geometry using a different material.

Vertex Groups

Export the name of the vertex group of a face.It is approximated by choosing the vertex group with the most members among the vertices of a face.

Smooth Groups

Write Blender’s sharp edges as smooth groups.

Smooth Group Bitflags

Generate Bitflags for smooth Groups.


Write out the MTL-file along with the OBJ. Most importers that support OBJ will also read the MTL-file.

PBR Extensions

Export MTL library using PBR extensions (roughness, metallic, sheen, clearcoat, anisotropy, transmission).

Path Mode

When referencing paths in exported files you may want some control as to the method used since absolute pathsmay only be correct on your own system. Relative paths, on the other hand, are more portablebut mean that you have to keep your files grouped when moving about on your local file system.In some cases, the path doesn’t matter since the target application will searcha set of predefined paths anyway so you have the option to strip the path too.


Uses relative paths for files which are in a subdirectory of the exported location,absolute for any directories outside that.


Uses full paths.


Uses relative paths in every case (except when on a different drive on Windows).


Uses relative / absolute paths based on the paths used in Blender.

Strip Path:

Only write the filename and omit the path component.


Copy the file on exporting and reference it with a relative path.


Exports a numbered OBJ for each frame from the start to the end frame.Please be aware that this can take quite a long time.

Frame Start, End

The first and last frame to export, used to determine the range of exported frames.


NURBS surfaces, text3D and metaballs are converted to meshes at export time.

Wavefront OBJ - Blender 4.2 Manual (2024)


What is the wavefront OBJ format? ›

The so-called "Alias/Wavefront OBJ" file format has the following features: It is a simple, portable, ASCII/Text based format. It is widely supported by 3D geometry authoring tools (3ds MAX, Maya, Rhino, SketchUp, Blender, etc.). It supports per-facet material attribution.

What is wavefront in Blender? ›

Wavefront OBJ is an open data format for 3D graphics. It does not contain any attributes or semantics, only the 3D geometry of the building models.

What does OBJ mean in Blender? ›

OBJ is a widely used de facto standard in the 3D industry. The OBJ format is a popular plain text format, however, it has only basic geometry and material support. Mesh: vertices, faces, edges, normals, UV's. Separation by groups/objects.

How do I open a .OBJ file? ›

On Windows, go to your . OBJ file and right-click it to open the contextual menu. Click Open with and select Paint 3D. On Mac, you'll have to download third-party software to open an .

What is the difference between OBJ and fbx? ›

fbx are like OBJ in that it contains 3D object data; however, it also contains animation data. This makes this file type most popular in film, gaming, and VFX—all industries that need complex models, materials, and animation. This file format is owned by Autodesk and supported widely in both VFX and game engines.

Can Blender export an OBJ file? ›

1- In the viewport of Blender, go to the menu and select export Wavefront(. obj). 2- When exporting, make sure you have the needed options ticked (bottom left panel).

How do OBJ files work? ›

3D artists and modelers use OBJ files as a common export format. Once they finalize a model in the software of their choice, they export all geometric data (vertices, faces, and texture coordinates) to OBJ. OBJ files are popular for 3D models because they store information on UV mapping and texture coordinates.

Can I edit OBJ in Blender? ›

Once you're satisfied, click 'Import' to bring the OBJ file into Blender. Now that your OBJ file is loaded into Blender, you can start editing and customizing it to your liking. Use Blender's powerful 3D modeling tools to manipulate the object, apply materials, add textures, and more.

What is the difference between OBJ and STL in Blender? ›

OBJ: Supports detailed texture information, including colors, which is essential for multi-color 3D printing. STL: Focuses solely on geometry and does not contain color or texture information.

Do OBJ files contain textures? ›

OBJ file only retains geometry information; it does not retain any elements or textures. Materials are kept in a companion . MTL file/format, along with references (paths) to textures. However, it also does not incorporate the textures themselves.

How do I open an AEP file in Blender? ›

To execute the script in Blender, open a project and navigate to the text editor. Click open file and navigate to where you saved the exported python file. Open the file, and then click “Run.” The 3D viewport should then populate with the camera and empties representing elements in your composition.

How do I open a FLT file in Blender? ›

In Blender version 2.42a - 2.46 there is an option to load OpenFlight FLT files. In later versions this addon has been removed (most likely due to the lack of support by the community). Best way currently is to download blender version 2.46 and import the FLT file (File → Import → OpenFlight(.


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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