Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

PAGE FOUR THE EVENING OBSERVER, DUNKIRK, N. TUESDAY, NOV. 6,1945 Working for Your SATISFACTION wont you to wHh the expectation of getting good service, and to leave feeling that vow have received it. The strength of this bank cones from its many satisfied depositors. Shore National Corner Fourth and Central Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Which Insures Each Account Dp to $5,000.00 The Weather CHRISTMAS This year send the most personal of all GIFTS your photograph.

Better make your appointment now) KNOWLTON'S 2 EVERYTHING Fourth St. PHOTOGRAPHIC Dale: Tuesday, Nov. 6. Condition: Clear. Temperatures during last 2-! hours: 3 p.

m. 50 11 p. m. 46 7 a. m.

49 4 p. m. 51 Jlidtiite 48 8 a. m. 50 5 p.

m. 49 1 a. m. 48 9 a. m.

b'J 6 p. m. 40 2 a. m. 48 10 a.

m. 56 7 p. m. 38 3 a. m.

48 11 a. 60 8 p. m. 38 4 a. m.

49 Noon 155 9 p. m. 43 5 a. m. 49 1 p.

m. 68 10 m. 46 6 a. m. 48 2 p.

m. 69 Sun sets today at 5:04 p. rises tomorrow at 7:00 a. m. All data furnished by yovern- at the CAA i gency landing field.

Forecast: Some cloudiness, mild tonight and Wednesday. i DIPHTHERIA CLINIC AT SCHOOL 10 THURSDAY A toxoid clinic for children of pre-school age will be held in School 10 between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 8, it was announced today by Health Officer Edgar Bicber. The anti-diphtheria treatments are administered daily at the health office in the city hall but many mothers are reluctant to wheel their babies long distances for the inoculations, Dr.

Bie- bei- said. For this reason district clinics are arranged. ALLEGHENT LUDL1 SHOWS NET PROFIT OF 42 badly hurt. Sunday night John Kaus 365 Lake Shore Drive, East seriously injured when'he involved in a traffic Kaus was crossing the' Drive a car operated by Cpl PERFECT WEATHER IN CITY TODAY BRINGS CITY OUT BIG EARLY VOTE City- and Vicinitj Adv 15c per I'ne. per insertion Cash with order.

Cnunt five wnrds In a line i i Unei. --Curtain goods. Rosings. --Cocoa door mats, $3.95. lers.

Eh- -Red and blue floral toweling. Rosings. --Thanksgiving si. McClenathan's. --Join our blanket down and 50c a week.

i greeting cards Taking advantage o. the perfect weather, many Dunkirk residents Pittsburgh, Nov. 6---Allegheny Ludlum Steel corporation three months ended Sept. 30, of IS STRUCK BT AUTO i MtiEzalski, 19, of 135 I Ernest Wilder, 56, of Chestnut'nue, approached. DiscoverioiIK! street, Fredonia, sustained an pedestrian in the path of jury to his left knee Monday night Muszalski swung to the left 2f' when he was struck by an auto- proaehing from the opposite hon was a coupe driven by J.

Lbmbardo 522 Main ib2. teft TM by an auto i mobile while walking along Brig- ham road near the Fairgrounds today reported net profit for thp I rO ad. It was tiie third accident 33 a er i 8 8 JTM 0 i days in Dunkirk in which pedestrians were struck by cars. The driver of the vehicle which (or federal income and excess profits taxes and for estimated refund on negotiation war contracts. These earnings for the quarter are equivalent to '42 1-2 cents a.

share on the common stock and compare with $926,400 or 69 cents a share in the same quarter of 1944. The per common share earnings in the 1944 quarter were after providing for dividends on the then outstanding preferred shares. Net profit for the nine months ended Sept. 30, 1945 was 52,500,868 or $1.98 a share on the com' to avoid colliding with the ier's vehicle. The cars crashed and over and in the sustained possible fracturw SEA DREAM II NOW ON WAY TO MAYVILLE today visited the city polling places early to cast their ballots lor candidates for municipal offices.

A complete slate is to be elected here, including both city and moa stock, compared with' $2,591,574 or $1.93 a share in the corresponding period of 1944, after providing for dividends on the then outstanding preferred shares. Figures for both periods give effect to a credit for 10 per cent excess profits tax refund. K. G. Batcheller, president, explained that termination of war contracts following V-J Day caii- iv ce shipments of a substantial --Circle 4-day ser- I i of business scheduled for vice.

Phone 4115 750 Park Ave wil1 rela i' district results to delivery in the final months of the the East Second street office. tn rd quartet 1 He pointed out that town offices. The 15 polling places in tin I and two in the town opened I fi o'clock this morning and club, 45c close at 7 o'clock tonight. Hosings. The OBSERVER will have city at.

will Tabualtion of the district figures i considcrable time and --Exli'a length in wool blankets, S13.95 and Rosings. --Wanted, experienced saleslady. Write box 69, Observer. suUs wiu not be avalla for at --Glazed chintz 48 48 table i least several hours. this sudden termination had the further effect of creating a sen- cloths just in at Sideys, $2.31.

--Pcnneys are clearing a big group of ladies' shoes at $1 a pair. --Steel cash and bond boxes, $1.50. Service E. 4th SI. full fashioned lisle hose, in regular and Ros- ings.

--For sale, modern house at 147 Lambert Fredonia. Phone 453R. --Waitress wanted, t'recioma RestKUrant, East Main Fredonia. --Two 6.00 16 used tires and tubes for sale. 188 Lake Shore Drive, East.

--For sale, 1940 Dodge 2-door. Will accept trade in. Warren Scott, Cassaciaga. Call 101. Sale: Boehm clarinet, baby buggy and baby pen.

31 Eagle, Fredonia. 475J. --Just arrived, it is expected that even partial" re- I ou plant bottleneck in the swing to peacetime production. Higher nine month earnings this year, Mr. For this reason Dunkirk resi- Batcheller explained, were the re- dents are asked not to call up a 1 suli of a considerable increase in few minutes after the voting ends shipments of war materials prior hit Wilder'was William G.

Miller, 330 Main street. He told police he both le was travelling south in Brigham road at about 40 miles an hour when he suddenly noticed Wilder walking in the center of the highway. Miller swerved his to the right side of the pavement but the Far out of its normal left rear fender struck the pedes- 62-foot launch Sea trian. is somewhere on a back rotrt The Dunkirk motorist stopped, tween Dunkirk and picked up the injured man and day, 'making the trail. took him to the home of his Haulers daughter, Mrs.

Rpy Degolier in Brigham road. When she was unable secure a physician, Wilder was transferred to the hospital. This accident brought to a total of four tiie number of persons hurt in pedestrian traffic mishaps here in three days. On Saturday night Frank and Mary Luclwiszewski, 417 Nevins street were struck by a driven by Eugene Sweet, RFD Fredonia, while they were walking across Main street south of East Third street. Neither was planned to craft to Portland on Routt-i, then make the through the hills on a ed back road tt Mayville.

Formerly on Seneca i vi iicarl boat will be used in passeaiir vice on Chautauqua lake. DUNKIRK HOME SOLD The home of Frank Robin street, has been sold' Philip F. Hanlon of Lincoln i. ue. Possession will fae taken thii week.

The sale war arwnied bl L. S. Crocker. and expect to obtain final results on any office. Complete results with tine vote by districts on each office will be printed in the Wednesday edition of the OBSERVER.

STATE VOTERS TO INTERESTING CONTESTS By KIRTLAND I. KING Albany, Xov. 6--(UP) New York votel 's we the polls to Aug. 15 over the volume for the corresponding 1944 period. ARMY DISCHARGES AT FT.

DIX, N. J. Capt. Frank P. Ritenburg, Wes'.

Fourth street. Michael A. Speziale, East Second street. Sgt. James A.

Mancuso, Moore avenue, Fredonia. Pfc. Joseph L. Pascaretta, 11 129 Glenwood avenue, Silver Creek. POLLS CLOSE 7 p.

Phone 5305 Friday IvenUfi Until 9:30 Other iTcniogi Toy Appointment 1)R. GLENN R. FISH Optometrist flnt Flow OTW Jayuei Store Saint ItrMt Location for Past 20 Years 3 332 Central Avenue Dunkirk, New York i CLEAN CLOTHES LAST LONGER! Bring your here and let tti make them look like new. UM the Odorless Tri-Clean Method A I A CLBANBIW PHONE 3555 SEK'S TAXI Phone 2279 BABY FURNISHINGS at MACKOWIAK'S! Baby Cribi or wax fall size, metal iprloji, crib 7 QA at-- Folding CARRIAGE Prt-wwr all modtli, from HIGH CHAIRS OR 1 Strongly made, nicely finish- your selection in maple and wax finish, C44 priced aW lZ8 JOHN A. MACKOWIAK and SONS FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE 0riV DUNKIRK, N.

PHONE 2796 Evening, Except Wednesdays Mention the OBSERVER Ad. When Shopping Pfc. Leo E. Poxnanszyk, son of Casimlr Powmnezyk, who has returned to his home at 413 Lord street, after receiving an honorable discharge from the army at Fort Dix. Pfc.

Poznanczyk spent 44 in service with the Third Armored Division, with 26 months of overseas duty. He wears the good conduct medal five battle slam for the Ardennes. --Quilted robes S16.98 at Si- I deys. A promise of comfort. Rose pattern.

12 to 20. --Trees trimmed, taken down and removed. Phone 349M, Fredonia. --Scotch tape in loc, 25c and all larger size rolls. McClenathan Printcry.

--Sani cans in assorted colors. Dunkirk Hardware next Capitol Theatre. Trays for gala entertaining a 31.19 $3.98 at Si- checks irregularities. An unofficial check the larger cities disclosed most of the eligible 5,000.000 voters would make their choice before the polls close at 7 p. m.

They were encouraged by a bright sun. Local and state police patroleri the voting places, but no incidents were reported during the earlv morning hours. State Attorney General Nathaniel L. Golditein assigned members of the election frauds bureau to key to deys. Hand painted.

--Pyrex--the gift acceptable. next Capitol. Theatre. Syracuse, where Frank nn. ere ran gift that is always Costello, Republican, and unkirk Hardware, M.

Haiprht. Democrat, engaged in eatre i a bitter i i a i a bitter political campaign for ln vor i reported ballot- Central Europe. Normandy, Nor- 1 --Men's all wool mufflers in PTM.vor, officials reported ballot- thern France and the Khinelaiid 'large variety at Sictcys. 1.75 I 1 bnsk but 3" IC The author- and the European-African Middle i 9 8 S2.50 S2.98. sald probably 80,000 of the Eastern service medal.

--Our complete stock of tovs' 8o registered voten would HUDSON AIRLINES SEEKING DATA FOR DUNKIRK SERVICE now on display. Dunkirk Hard- I ware, next Capitol Theatre. i --Christmas cards. A card suit- i able for everyone will be found in I our complete line. McClenathan's.

Tnriimfinn tu -We have a large selection of a 'of i toTl Pennsylvania is considering Dun- kirk as a regular stop were seen resel ve ou summer clothes today in a telegram received by lavln cleaned before i storing. Valone Dry Cleaning Co Heavy voting was reported in At- bar.y, Troy and Schenectady. Buffalo, where Republicans" are hopeful of picking up a mayoral- ity seat they have not held for 12 years the voters' went to the polls in large numbers. One-third of the 39,000 registered voters had marked ballots in Utica shortlv before noon Dry CIcaniiis The line Is unknown by the -For your date come in and see regulars at Dunkirk airport, but i a i velveteens in 1 op slns Jor Hl Is believed to be one of several i Piece and in one new air transport companies colors. Haber's.

a which are in the making. --Bond boxes--all steel with oxes--al steel with nH A Sra 1 1 Ceived by secure lock, priced at S1.95. i Avenue requested all Dunkirk Hardware Co. next Cann i i mi possible information on reeis- I a trants from New York anri Pphn- sylvania communities specifically fTM'' mentioning Glens Fa Is and Ho blooder house and electric brood- nell. N.

and a di ri capacity 500. 450 W. Mam, Fre- 10x20 nd electric brood- nell, N. and Reading and Honesdale, Pa. The wire said the company expects a Civil Aeronautics administration hearing in the near future and is interested in the facts in "order to give your city fast air $25.00 Reward! for -Locating a Apartment or Unfurnished House! Veteran and Wife, Best Reference, Permanent! BOX 72 OBSERVER FRED KO(JH BREWERY Distributor --Just unpacked, a large selection of Chesterfields and dress coats with fiir trim.

AJ1 sizes and colors. Haber's. --Minneapolis Honeywell heat regulators give you even heat and In Long Island city, a spot check of several election districts showed' about 11 per cent of the voters had cast ballots before noon, tn Brooklyn, balloting proceeded smoothly. While no important statewide issues are involved in the election, political leaders hope to ob- a i some hint as to the future of Republican Governor Thomas Pouce today were attempting to locate four young women who are suspected of stealing a billfold containing $20 from a purse belonging to Miss Laura Davis, 600 Central avenue, on Sunday night. The theft took place at "a Dunkirk tavern.

Miss Davis told the police Monday she visited the cafe in company with four male companions. While there they made. the acquaintance of four young women who sat at their table. During the evening, varioui couples danced. Suddenly the strangers departed.

The next morning Miss Davis discovered the billfold and a case containing 10 keys were miasing from her purse nnd she told police she behevai they were stolen the tavern. Descriptions of the young women have been furnished police. 4500 SYMPATHY STRIKE IN WESTINGHOUSE PLANT Hamilton. Nov. 6 (UP) Forty-five hundred employees of Canadian Westinghouse company here decided at a mass meeting! last night to walk out tomorrow i in sympathy with striking Ford workers at Windsor.

Six hundred shop stewards of the united electrical, radio and machine workers union (CIO) attended the meeting which adopted a resolution on other labor organization)! to follow theiir move. --U. P. reports are accurate. save fuel.

Dunkirk next Capitol Theatre. Hardware, Dewey. USK 666 CORNELL CO-ED VICTIM OF YOUNG SEX MANIAC a --Electric baby bottle warmers N. Nov. 6--(UP) also be used as a vaporizer -TM ace today were searching for a Dunkirk Hardware, next Capitol '-S sex-maniac who brutally a Cornell university coed Theatre.

--Polka dot for women who wear dresses 12 to 20. Very trim, very neat, $7.98. Sideys Ready to Wear. --Heat resistant table pad made to your order. Call at Sideys for paper pattern and we will give i you price.

Any size in 3 qualities. --Wanted, one or two passengers going to -Macon, help share expenses. Leaving Nov. 10th or 12th. Phone 4862 between 6 and 7.

--For your wedding, we have an attractive line of wedding gowns and ondesrnaid dresses in --Sideys will take vour order for heat resistant table pads, any Call for paper pattern and I.LCJ we will give your price. Delivery a week or 10 days. --Special--Any a sewing! machine adjusted in ynur home! SI.00. part? a of cmirse. By Singer trained service men Phone 46U2.

--For sale on Willow 'Road good, 8 room house with garage and 2 acres land, 4 bed rooms, and all conveniences, including cellar and furnace. Low taxes Owner will sacrifice for quick sale. Liberal terms. Get details n-om Heary. Realtor, Phone Fredonia 481-W.

near one of the women's dormitories last night. The youth approached the girl with the story that a girl a fainted, and asked her help. Leading her to a dark spot, he told I her he nad a gun and began i struggling-with her. I The young woman, who man- 1 aged to break away and run to a woman's dormitory, is recovering from serious facial injuries: received in the battle with assailant. Authorities did not rive her name.

ROME CABLE ARE OUT ON STRIKE Rome, N. Nov. 6--(UP) Some 3,000 employes of the Rome plant of General Cable corporation walked nut today in a sym- patny strike i other corporation plants. Picket lines were made up of employes of the Bayonne, N. plant.

CITY and VICINITY --Penneys are clearing a bie group of shoei at SI a pair --For sale, 2-family Tiome on J-ucns Ave. Inquire upstairs at 25 fr sale, drop leaf cherry table: mahogany chest of drawers- walnut secretary bookcase: other i furniture. 0 m. to i 5 P. m.

101 Ruggles. COLD PREPARATIONS Salye, Use Onl, As The I Agency Fred Kaiser Harold L. Nutting NOW ON SALE The Merchants Burglary Policy Dependable Intnrance 425 Central Ave. Phone 3457 CHECK WOODWORK REPAIRS UTILITY CABINET UNFINISHED ITEMS SPRAY OUTFIT RENTAL If It's Made of Wood We're Interested! Ludlow Cabinet and Repair 761 Deer Street Dunkirk, N.Y. in time tor your a new shipment FAMOUS WATCHES 15? Practically all of nationally Ji; I make ar rcpi irtttnted in fhi Mlcttian of men'l ond ladhti' watchti.

Included is Dunkirk's finest selection of co*cktail Watches, set with precious stones, moderately priced. Select your Bulova, Bem-us, Gruen, Waltham or Elgin Watch now. IT'S EASY TO PAY THE DARLING WAY! EJEWEIRY HOME APPLIAMCF 307 Central Avenue Dunkirk, N. Y. ROOFS and ROOFING IiNSUL-WOOL INSULATION SIDING STORiM WINDOWS SALES and SERVICE Display Room.

63 E. Third St. Warehouse, W. Main Rd. Dunkirk Phone 2654 BERT ROAN GUARANTEED ROOFS Contractor and Dealer Creek Phone 433.

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.